Sunday, November 24, 2019
Observations: Conversations (with permission of participants)
Observations: Conversations (with permission of participants): Re: [\|/FL] OT: A note on evolution vs. intelligent design, analysis by Israel Ramirez, retired Biopsychologist. Yahoo / Inbox ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Conversations (with permission of participants)
Re: [\|/FL] OT: A note on evolution vs. intelligent design, analysis by Israel Ramirez, retired Biopsychologist.
Gene Schulz To my erudite colleagues: I sure hope you are finding ways to pass on your knowledge to the next generations of Psychologists beyond this listserve.The best treatise I have found for "Intelligent Design" is "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel, a journalist who interviewed some leading scientists in several different scientific fields. He acknowledges change over time (which I would call evolution) but attacks Darwinism as the ultimate theory on the development of the human race. Unlike the Creationists who take the Bible literally (and can't explain how the kangaroos got from Australia to Noah's Ark in time to be saved from the flood) Strobel does not claim that it all happened a few thousand years ago. Strobel "evolved" from skepticism to Christianity and has written several books defending the faith. My own interest has been in the question of the evolution of human and animal consciousness, and the ongoing source of our conscious experience. I recall a quote from my reading years ago: "There is nothing more empirical than our own experience." In today's NY Times there is a book review by John Williams of "Out of My Head: On the Trail of Consciousness" by Tim Parks. While I am always intrigued by reports that suggest consciousness beyond the brain (e.g. in ghosts) this book is not likely to get my attention, because it is too far out even for me.I did come across a significant article in yesterday's NYTimes Weekend Arts I yesterday (Nov.22) about the vocalist Lucy Dhegrae, who suffered from vocal paralysis after she had been drugged and raped while a freshman at University of Michigan. She kept it as a secret for over 10 years. To quote from the NYT: "Soon after that 2013 performance of 'Dithyramb,' Ms Dhegrae, the founder of the Resonant Bodies Festifal of contemporary vocal music, found she could no longer sing." The article, by Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, describes the long process of training, that included martial arts, that allowed her to regain her voice. It also involved her decision to disregard previous advice against revealing what had happened to her.GeneJohn AurbachDamon,Finally, my cell phone typing is terrible, but weirdly enough, I think and write in complete sentences. It has been this way ever since my 10th grade English teacher taught me how to write. You may not remember this, but I was executive editor of our college newspaper. I have written this way since I was 15, although it took many years to find my personal and therefore authorial voice.JohnDamon LaBarberaJohn,Was Darwin influenced by laissez faire economics--that competition leads to maximum utility? Would he have been reviled politically if he had dropped the idea of progress?Hofstadter had a book on Spencer. My recollection is he described a tightly wound, asocial individual. What in particular was Spencer's idea of progress--a better human? a better economy? a more efficient society?cellAnd, at a personal level, which I hope you don't mind--how are you getting such prose from your cellphone. This can't be thumb typing.Damon L~Psychology Practice in Florida
Some thoughts:I agree with Damon that evolution through natural selection does NOT involve progress, only adaptation. Even Darwin himself seems to have been confused about this idea, and Herbert Spencer, the founder of Social Darwinism, even more so. Alternatively, the only progress under the theory of natural selection is toward greater adaptation, not toward higher forms of life. No matter how “evolved” my brain, a panda is better at being a panda than I am.Also, intelligent design may be a true explanation of evolution, but it can never be a scientific one. Why? First, intelligent design is not a falsifiable theory, but natural selection is. Second, intelligent design posits a non-natural cause (i.e., an intelligent designer), and scientific explanation is, or requires, natural explanation.John S. Auerbach, PhDSent from my iPhoneBruce Borkosky
Robert Hazen has been a prolific author and presenter on the evolution of minerals. It seems to me that a major flaw in creationism is viewing life through the prism of today's mineralogy. Earth was much different 3.5 billion years ago. Hazen makes a convincing argument that BOTH minerals and life evolved together - i.e., that life cause the Earth's mineral diversity to explode, which enriched life's diversity, etc. So, we don't really know what early forms of life looked like or how they worked.Gene Schulze wrote:~Psychology Practice in Florida
Douglas Axe raised an interesting and important problem concerning the evolution of proteins. He failed to solve it and concluded that evolution can’t have happened. His reasoning is that if you try, for a little while, to figure out how proteins evolve, and fail to find a suitable path, then proteins can’t have evolved.Personally, I see this as an interesting biological problem and hope you share my interest in scientific mysteries.BackgroundThe machinery of your body is mostly made up of proteins. These can consist of hundreds of amino acids strung together. After the string has been assembled, the protein assembles itself into a complex shape as you can see in this diagram.[1]Proteins can become useless if you change the amino acids at key points. Many proteins won’t work correctly unless they have the standard shape and that shape is the result of many individual amino acids acting together. That’s part of the reason why many mutations are harmful. It’s very easy to break something complicated so that it doesn’t work.So, it’s hard to understand how natural selection produced the complicated 3D structures in proteins through an evolutionary trial-and-error process. One biologist has described the evolutionary process as “something like close to a miracle.”[2]The problem becomes worse when you think about the origin of life. The very first organisms would have needed many complicated proteins in order to live.Douglas Axe’s contributionHe showed that simple mutations are extremely unlikely to convert the overall shape of a protein into a new useful shape.[3] [4] [5] [6] Mutations that alter the shape of a protein tend to make it instable or useless. He concluded that since this type of evolutionary change can’t easily produce new useful proteins, then evolution can’t work.Why he’s wrongWe know that this conclusion is wrong because scientists can trace the evolution of many individual proteins by comparing their structure and sequence of amino acids. This chart traces the ancestry of the globin family of genes among mammals and birds.[7] The ancestor of birds and mammals must have had three different globin genes and these evolved into the several genes present in modern animals.This family of genes is extremely old, appearing in bacteria, plants, and animals.[8] The only way to explain the similarities among globin genes is to accept that they evolved, something that Douglas Axe says is impossible.Unsolved issuesWe still don’t know how the first complex proteins came into being. Here’s a couple of possibilities:- Maybe they arose from random short proteins. These sometimes enhance growth of bacteria[9] and sometimes catalyze (control) useful chemical reactions.[10] Evolution could have gradually lengthened them, making them bigger and more complex over time.[11]
- Small proteins can combine to make a big protein. For example, scientists have strong evidence that machinery for photosynthesis evolved through several small units that evolved separately and eventually combined. I describe that in another answer.[12]
- Genes sometimes get duplicated accidentally. The extra copy can drift randomly for many generations without harm because it is unneeded. Over time, it may, by chance, acquire a useful function. There’s good evidence that this happens.[13]
ConclusionDouglas Axe provided a useful service to the scientific community by showing some ways that proteins couldn’t have evolved. But that’s not the same as showing that it’s impossible for proteins to have evolved in other ways.More to readHere’s a fuller rebuttal of Douglas Axe, pointing out that “Axe ignores the vast amounts of evidence that support evolution that come from comparative genomics, genetics, palaeontology, embryology, anatomy, evo-devo, etc.”
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
I received the following letter from my father, 74
July 15th, 1986
Dear Damon,
I have read my diary after a lapse of forty years. We had to "turn them in" for security reasons while at either Guadalcanal or Cape Gloucester (New Britain). I have found that it not exciting and very repetitive-- dull, as it actually was. We were always waiting for something to happen.
When we went through “The Canal” (Panama) our Fleet Task Force found, after a secret letter was opened , that we would head for Tonga (a name none of us had even heard of) -- an expendable Task force. In April 1942 when we left the states, the Japanese were still conquering all-- even though the Philippines had not, as yet been taken . We were to be a holding group to try to prevent further expansion of the Japanese forces. The Japanese were actually headed the same area to use as South Pacific headquarters. We had two plans, a forced, or, if the Island had not been taken , a peaceful landing.
Admiral Fletcher and his Task Force engaged the Japanese Fleet at the Battle of Coral Sea (a misnomer since it was actually the Solomon Sea). The Tokyo raid and attack on Midway occurred while we were halfway across the Pacific. We arrived at our destination as that battle was taking place, hence a peaceful l landing-in a Tropical Paradise-- unspoiled beauty since we were the first to arrive in that area. Everything was as it had been for centuries. We kept ourselves busy on the island treat medical and surgical casualties.
On Fiji I volunteered to join the Rangers #37th Div. who were to up into Cape Gloucester. I backed into that one saying I’d go if no one else would-- and since all the other officers declined your dad was it. On the morning that I was to leave my footlocker outside my quarters the commanding officer rescinded the order. The group (Rangers) that went in on the invasion and it was total annihilation. None survived.
We were staging to invade a very strong Japanese base—Kavieng on New Ireland. (Rabaul in New Britain, Kavieng on New Ireland and Leika were strongest Japanese Pacific bases ). The plans were aborted since we found that casualties would have been too high as we found they knew our plans. Therefore more sitting around and waiting. Eventually arrived at Cape Gloucester-the worst spot in the face of the earth , having stopped on the way in Finchbarren , New Guinea. Received permission to go ashore and look for Ed—unfruitfully . The Japanese were at the east end of the island at Rabaul. We staged for the Philippine invasion. We stopped at Manus Island and spent Christmas of ’ 44 up in the air in dry dock. The ship’s bottom was scraped free of barnacles to improve our speed and after a few days starting about January 1st started our way northward towards the Philippines. We went through the Serago Strait with Jap bases on both sides—and up the west coast of Luzon with many Kamikaze planes (brave pilots) up there, and coming down at us throughout the trip. Their main targets were aircraft carriers—and battleships, cruisers, etc., and an occasional transport . We were at Linjargen Gulf, Jan 9th, 1945. The Gulf was jammed all full of ships—with many planes flying overhead. At 6AM to 9AM all hell broke loose with battleships hurling shells and rockets, planes dropping bombs and strafing the shore. Jap planes came out and dropped their bombs around our ships with some hits. I remember one Jap was swimming alongside our ship—he still had his glasses on. Looking up we saw Jap planes appearing then disappearing into the clouds—the red sun symbol on their wings. The Kamikaze (Divine Wind) planes and pilots were all destroyed, either shot down or crashing into the vessels or sea. The noise was horrendous—deafening.
I was boat team commander and leader and we descended down the rope Jacob ladder into the heaving boats below some falling into the boats having lost their footing. We circled around for about five minutes before getting sick on the gas fumes from all the landing craft that were circling-- and on command headed toward the beach. The sea was heaving ( It was chosen since the Japs would be less likely to consider landing there. We lost many landing crafts which were turned over by the rough see . We landed on a sandbar and had to disembark chest high in water with carbine and 70 pounds backpack , etc. but made it without much trouble. I had the men run to the -- 1/8 mile-- go into the bush and clean their carbines 001/2 at a time.
We met no opposition-- since we did not go ashore the first day-- but settled where the unit was to bivouac-- dug fox holes. The Japanese had withdrawn inland, which was the custom to avoid the bombardment. -and we thought they would counterattack as customary. Three planes (Black Widows -- P61s) few over at dusk to by shot down by our own men. The had not been briefed on the new plains. We slept in fox holes -- rather than zippered mosquito bar hammocks since it had been easy for the infiltrating Japs to knife anyone from below trapped in the hammock through the rubberized lower hammock section. Our troops forced the Japs southward. Lts Sam Maroon , Van Atton an I requested the use of a natives thatched and bamboo house-elevated about three feet about the ground on bamboo supports. we used the patio fireplace to cook our meals. About six weeks later we moved provisions to the village and occupied that house Japs used as headquarters. We treated many casualties-- medical and surgical -- at the sit= We stayed in pyramidal tents.
One night he O.D. (officer of the day) alerted us that they believed that Japanese were infiltrating our area-- which did not seem to bother anyone to any degree. It seems we had been exposed so much to danger that it did not register as it would have three years earlier. Our me (some) after finishing their medical routine went off for hunting and killing Japanese who were trying to make their escape from the mountains to the see . Human life value had been lost . I disapproved and treated the Japanese prisoners as well as I possibly could.
Two or three other officers and I jeeped to Manilla and stayed on the basement at the university of Santo Tomos which had been used as POW locale. Many of the unit had been sent home for various reasons-- alcoholism, N. P, Filariases, etc. I rose from ward office (Lieut) to Asst Chief) Major, and acting head of my unit (The latter position I never had to assume-- where warranted a Lt Colomer and which sometimes unfairly perhaps but not of my doing were ranked higher than some of my superiors at the star of the war. As a team boat leader I had a major and a captain as subordinates, as well as a group of enlisted men.
Manilla was a mess with much evidence of combat—downed planes, mostly Japanese. There was very little diversion except movies—and reading. Toward the end of July I learned that my mother (step mom) had passed on suddenly—and I was urged to come home on emergency leave. To do so I had to sign up and return after a months leave, for another year. I was long past overdue to be returned , and to go home for a month and then return was an extremely unpleasant thought. Not knowing what was taking place at home, I decided to go on leave. The trip to New York, July 31 to Aug 6, sitting up, with no solid sleep, was enervating and extremely depressing. On the day I arrived in New York, the bomb was dropped . It took about three weeks for me to learn I was to proceed to Fort Dix for separation—rather than the San Francisco port of Embarkation . Our group was scheduled to invade Kyoto, the southernmost Japanese island in October. Tow million were to take part—we expected a million casualties (allies). I had been in the service almost four years and spent only four months of that in the US.
Note: May 15th, 1942 to Nov 31th, 1942
Personal Diary of
Lt. Jos. F. LaBarbera, M.C.
A.S.N. 0404750
Force No 0051-I
In case of accident
please forward this Diary to
Mr. Frank LaBarbera
532 9th Street, N.Y.
New York
May 15th
On my arrival at New York from South America I learned that the 7th Evacuation Hospital had
After many false alarms
Our ship was the Barnett (The Santa Maria of the Grace Line), We were “blacked out every night” except for blue lights in the corridors and one row of lights in the ward room. Our group (
We spent our time aboard ship reading, sleeping, preparing lectures for the enlisted men (Military Sanitation, Field Sanitation, Venereal disease in the tropics, Tropical Diseases). As far as I know our destroyers contacted only one submarine in the Atlantic. Our trip in the Pacific was
May 16
Grove awoke last night and felt something walking up his leg--he kicked it off--and it fell to the floor. Probably was a rat--as there are many here. Took up my duties in the hospital today. Things are rather slow.
Have picked up a few Tongan words.
The Hunter Leggett arrived today--and was glad to see Col Meagher again as we had had too many “generals” in our group who like their position but are afraid to assume any responsibility.
The Yorktown Aircraft carrier with a few cruisers and destroyers arrived in first to-day. The ship carried the casualties for the Battle of the Coral Sea. We learned that the Lexington was sunk and that our losses were heavy altho those of the japs were greater.
Writing by candlelight is difficult. I sympathize with Honest Abe.
May 17th--Sunday--Quiet day--Locals gave me a haircut--short and moth-eaten in places--but it feels good as I have not been able to get a haircut for the past week. Gave Alley a bath with helmets of water and he reciprocated. The entire 7-a is ashore now and its good to see the fellows again after 5-6 weeks. Probably will move out to our permanent site soon--Gave Alley haircut--and did better than I thought I could.
May 18th--Uneventful day--List of Tent Mates was passed around today. Lt. Day and I are to “keep house” together. Also learned that I am in charge of a Med. ward for Gas and Shock Casualties.
Gave Sam Maroon a haircut this afternoon--after which he had to fetch a professional to rectify my mistakes. I did a bum job. A native is now instructing about 8 of the officers in Tongan. Rumors that there might be a Jap attack within 2 weeks. Naval officers are making bets. Some of the men are moving to the permanent site. I’m to stay here and work at the hospital.
May 20, 1942
My first day as O.D.--very slow day—but had to stay at the hospital
Bought trinkets for the family about a week ago but will not be able to send them home until the censorship regulations are revised (Bead Necklaces).
Benjamin requested a trimming today--and learning from yesterdays mistakes did a fair job
Stories of American sailors in the battle of the Coral Sea shooting Japs in lifeboats—and bayoneting Jap aviator seeking refuge on another carrier--. Don't know how much truth there is to them.
Confidential notice on a new German Gas – HN2 which is more disastrous then Mustard or Lewisite. We'd all be lost if they attacked us now, as no one carries a gas mask or wears helmets.
Would like to eat at a table without flies-instead of the porch at the nurse’s home.
Bought two bola knifes s yesterday--4 shillings a piece.
May 22nd, 1942
We moved from Nuku'alofa to Houma yesterday. Many tents were set up –and things are getting into shape rapidly. The hospital is in a coconut grove –coconut trees are all over with a few banana trees in their midst. The officers' sleeping quarters are across the road beneath the coconut trees and the fruit hangs treacherously above. The tent has not come yet and is probably on another ship which has not been unloaded.
We went swimming yesterday—in the ocean about a mile away—our beach is a beautiful place with cascades, blowholes, dense coconut trees, and cool water. However, coral is abundant and cut me sharply. It actually is a South Sea Paradise and about the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Eating conditions are much better—as we eat good food at tables with very few flies protected by tents. The Red Cross furnished entertainment last night in the form of American (record) and Tongan music.
Most of the patients were removed from the other hospital yesterday
Day and I cleaned our spot yesterday afternoon with machetes
Saw an octopus hanging outside of a natives hut last week—when on a hike. Tentacles were about 2ft for long.
Heard my first broadcast in 6 weeks from the states last night over our short wave radios. There is seventeen/ nineteen (remember—EDST, ENT) hours difference in time between here and New York.
The natives are extremely poor and live in thatched huts --and by far , most sleep on a mat of coconut leaves on the floor. The children roam naked: They live on fruit for the most part altho, there are some pigs and chickens which roam loosely. However, the natives are about the happiest and most content group I have ever seen. Life here in many places is primitive and has been the same for hundreds of years.
Captain Cook called the island Tonga.
I met Dr. Steadman [“killed in action” later penciled in] of Garden City at the hospital the other day. He is on the Solace which was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked and had some interesting talks.
May 23rd
Yesterday was a quiet day—Assignments to Med. Service made. I am to be free for a while but will be O.D. Tomorrow.
Went swimming in the afternoon—
Admired the natural fish pools and rock gardens with Col McKelvey.
Medical meeting last night- Topic-- “Modern Aspects of Shock” and a discussion followed.
There are many cemeteries on the island—graves are marked by gravel mounds –. An equivalent to our flowers as a token of Remembrance is a grass skirt strung up over the grave. The natives also wear the skirts while in mourning.
News via radio last night was encouraging.
The enlisted men are now starting to set up the nurses tents adjacent to ours.
May 24th
A bad day yesterday after I wrote the last note. Developed extreme weakness, general malaise, headache, G.I. disturbance. Fever, and chilly sensations. Must have swallowed a lot of bugs. Went to bed at 4 P.M.—got up at 11:30 A.M.
Day and I are now in our tent.
May 25th
Gradually getting well. I definitely had the tar knocked out of me. Was as weak as a pup. A few of the other men are also feeling low.
Spent this AM and part of the PM fixing up our tent. We had thatched coconut leaf rugs.
A coconut cluster missed me by about 10 Feet this AM. I expect that those above my tent will start bombarding any day now.
Jack Kaiser paid a native boy to climb the tree adjacent to his tent to knock the ripe coconuts off. There was a shower of about 20. The boy scrambled up the tree like an acrobat.
May 28th
Was operated on yesterday morning—Thrombosed Hemorrhoid—. Hurt like holy blazes when the local wore off. Was confined to bed—and bled like a stuck pig. Feel better today.
At about 10 AM yesterday while laying in bed I heard some anti aircraft firing in the distance. I learned later that a Jap plane was sighted and they were trying to bring it down. However, this morning I found that a New Zealand plane was the target –a case of mistaken identity—and that the pilot was green when he came down—The plane was a very slow, outmoded, reconnaissance plane.
Living conditions are very crude.
The meals are becoming monotonous and I hope there will be a change.
The nurses moved into their quarters adjacent to ours. Some are indignant since the M.D.s don’t bother much with the group.
Day awoke last night and felt some claws on his hand which was laying against the mosquito netting—was probably a rat.
We were all set for the movies—furnished by the A.R.C last night but there was insufficient electric power. Felt disappointed But they returned later and it worked—but I was asleep. Have not seen a movie in seven weeks.
May 30th
Nothing of any great significance has occurred in the past few days. Had been confined to my tent for the most part. Have been rather uncomfortable.
Medical meeting last night—case presentation—-“Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum in a 27 year old Negro.” and a discussion of War Wounds.
The Governor General of New Zealand and General Lockwood visited our area this A.M.
The A.R.C. were around that night and gave an amateur entertainment and played popular records.
An airplane from our base went down in the sea the other day and the pilot was lost.
Very cold last night—used three blankets.
There was a full moon last night—the setting was beautiful.
June 1st
We started arising before dawn 5:30 AM yesterday--so as to be alert in case of an attack. This will continue for the duration. A sore spot for most of the men.—I suppose its best to prevent a repetition of Pearl Harbor.
Has been windy -- 2 coconuts fell off the tree above us and rolled into the tent yesterday.
Have been doing plenty of reading—short stories for the most part. I read in bed by flashlight at night as there is nothing else to do.
My Sanitation detail starts today. I hope I’ll like it.
Sherman was right.
Hope to be able to go swimming today.
June 2nd
Was on the Solace yesterday--. They have a fine setup.
Rumor that a Jap Expeditionary Force in 89 miles away. We may expect trouble any day, if it is true.
My job as sanitation inspector is not bad. I have my Jeep and will be able to see a lot of the island (Beaches).
June 3rd
Traveled 52 miles by Jeep yesterday. We first investigated an attempted assault—one negro attempted to attack another with a knife. Probably insane.
The ride to the southeast end of the island is a long one—but we saw many interesting things—grapefruit trees with fruit 8” in diameter, Guava trees—the fruit from which are covered with a citrus like skin and the meat tastes like pomegranate. Hibiscus flowers, and papaya trees. There are also many flying foxes in that area—which are bats with a wide wingspan and hang body down from the trees. They have a fur like covering and faces like foxes when not flying.
An autopsy was performed yesterday on a soldier who was drowned in the lagoon.—our second causality of war. Hope it’s the last.
A native girl was attacked by two members of our force the other day and was killed.
Probably had some ants {added “rat flies”} in bed with last night—itched and scratched a good deal of the night.
I saw the queen of the island, Salote, driving around in a small sedan which she confiscated from a Jap at the onset of the war. There was about seven in the car—and it reminded me of Sunday picnickers in the states.
A.R.C.—showed “Woman of the Year” last night with K. Hepburn and Spencer Tracey. Since I had seen it at <crossed out> while stationed at Dix I did not stay long but went to bed at eight and read by flashlight for ½ hour.
Am looking forward to a quick termination of the war. Hope that it will be over by Christmas. According to radio reports of massive bombings of Cologne and Basil it seems likely-- if they keep it up.
Its quite a task arising daily before sunrise. We have to dress and wear our steel helmets and gas masks. Our clothes are very damp at this time of the day because of the heavy night dew.
A native does my laundry and I pay 1 pound a month. No starch and I have seen cleaner clothes—but it will have to do for awhile.
June 5th
Traveled about 60 miles today to the northwest end of the island and inspected the 20th and 50th C.A. There are many flying foxes out that way.
I bought a kerosene lamp yesterday and hope to make good use of it. Candles burn to quickly and flash light batteries may become scarce.
We had a lesson on Tongan last night which lasted about one hour. The fee was a total of one dollar for the group (ten officers). They say that you can learn the language in six months.
The island was originally discovered by the Dutch on 1616 and called Amsterdam – A neighboring island was called Rotterdam. Capt. Cook landed many years later and called them the friendly islands.
Read a New Zealand newspaper 3 weeks old. (May 13th ).
Rex Finnegan and I went swimming at the blowholes yesterday. There are many different fish in small pools. We also saw a water snake which we tried to catch but were unsuccessful.
The sanitary conditions on the island are very poor and we are going to try to clean up. It seems that the natives have developed immunities to many diseases which are apt to prove serious for our force. They are content going along as they always have and it has been found that they promise to reform but readily dispose of the idea. There was considerable hookworm on the island 30 yrs ago-- but Dr Lambert (“A Yankee Doctor in Paradise”) introduced a privy named after him which had cut the incidence considerably.
The native drink is Kava--nonalcoholic—which the natives make from a root which they pound-- add water to it—then dip a rag into it—and then squeeze the juice into a container. They used to make it by chewing on the root and spitting it into a container for the consumption of others but this practice was stopped because “TB” was spread in this fashion. There is a high incidence of “TB”, and typhoid on the island. There is no syphilis but a moderate amount of G.C. I have seen only one saddle sore and no other stigmata of yaws and have yet to see any Elephantiasis altho there is supposed to be some on the island
June 5th
Has been raining torrents all day. On arising before dawn our clothes were all wet. The bed felt damp and sticky. We started off on our detail and took specimens of water from three wells for examination.
We are really getting a good dose of tropical rain. Reminds me of Sadie Thompson.
We organized an officers club last night and are going to build a thatched hut near our camp area. Altho liquor is prohibited we probably will have some good times there—as a meeting place.
The nurses have more or less been a thorn in the side of the unit. It has been very difficult to please a few—especially the chief nurse. I believe that most of them thought they were going on a picnic. On the whole I believe that they are an inferior group of nurses and none of the medical men bother with them. They are the only white women on the island—so the infantry, navy etc. call upon them frequently. There is some debate as to permit them to join our club but I think that to bind the group more solidly their membership will be passed.
Arising before dawn reminds me of general quarters at dawn aboard ship during our trip here. At that time and at sunset all guns were manned at dawn and sunset visibility is greatest. There was a grand scramble for the guns after a whistle sounded. If you happened to be in their way, sleeping on deck you’d have all you could do that to be trampled to death.
June 6th
It rained all day yesterday and last night and the mud is deep.
Medical meeting last night—. Burns was discussed after a paper was given by Locales. Dr. Steadman discussed the topic in relation to his experiences on the Solace at Pearl Harbor. He said flash burns predominated enveloping the body and that those who were most fully clothed fared the best. Those who wore shorts had enveloping burns of the body except for the midriff and he emphasized the importance of full apparel at all times.
Tagging those who had received M.S. so as to prevent repeating the dose and knowledge of the use of the plasma set up was also urged. He stated that many walked aboard ship and died another 2 hrs. Locales emphasized the importance of preventing shock, sepsis, and scarring.
Part 3 (Joseph LaBarbera, MD) June to November 9, 1942
June 7th
Visited the premier's office yesterday—. He was not in but his secretary attended to our business which was to arrange with a contractor for the construction of our Officers Club. We had a chat. It seems that at one time the natives had an alcoholic brew—which they made from oranges, raisins, etc. This was very potent—and was called “one and torrent” because of its potent effect. It was banned because it caused many deaths.
On our way back we dropped in to see Manasi at his home—to have a better translation. He is a native governmental water inspector and speaks pigeon English. He asked us if we wanted a banana and when we accepted his offer he gave us a bunch. His daughter translated the letter very shyly. Their home consists of two thatched huts in a clearing about 50 feet back from the road. They have a horse, chickens and pigs, but as usual no furniture.
I received my first mail yesterday. –from Eula and Margaret and Father Madden—Was glad to hear some news from home. Wrote some letters in return. I hope that mail will come in regularly.
We had our second Tongan lesson last night. It does not appear to be too difficult. An hour sitting on the ground becomes pretty uncomfortable.
June 8th, 1942
--Yesterday was a quiet Sunday—Heard last night that the attack on Midway resulted in a great navel victory for the allies and that the war is past the half way mark.—I hope!!
We had to walk down to the church well for a water specimen—as our gas is low and is being rationed. No more long trips for a while I guess.
I also understand that an American convoy has reached India. I hope all this good news continues.
It gets dark here shortly after six—There is a 15 hr. difference between here and New York—. I suppose with daily saving and war time that it gets dark at about 10 P.M. there.
We learned last night that we will have to dig fox holes beside our tent to jump into for protection in case we are raided. Blackout will start June 13th .
All movies have been canceled (and other R.C. activities due to shortness of gas).
The pastor at the church here is a Frenchman, about 30, who lives by himself. He appears tuberculous and has a dry persistent cough. He leads a lonely life.
The PX truck was here a short while ago so I bought some washing soap, hard soap for ocean bathing, writing paper, flashlight batteries, candy, and crackers.
Admiral Byrd is supposed to visit us today.
The natives are going to build us an officers club—and in return we are going to give them a picnic with beef. It has been decided after much controversy to permit the nurses the privileges of the club. I think a more exclusive one will built thereafter.
Most of the men are itching for the war to be over and to be at home. After dark there is not a thing to do—except to chat and go to bed early. A lot of steam will be let off when we get back to the states.
June 9th
—Yesterday was a quiet day—Inspected sanitary conditions of natives in vicinity of our bivouac. Not so good! Went swimming yesterday afternoon.
Last night I learned that the Japanese were on the way to get our convoy and were intercepted by our navy—-resulting in the battle of the Coral Sea.
A coconut fell on the tent last night—sounding like a bomb. I thought that the time had come.
The natives of Houma turnout out this morning bearing gifts, woven carpets, beads, woven tops, chickens, a duck, bananas, oranges and other things, as a sign of their friendship. The put on Hula Hula dances with grass skirts, and sang. We reciprocated with cigarettes and candy and some danced. We all enjoyed it.
June 10th
Another group of natives returned yesterday at noon—bearing tapa cloths, beads, coconuts, many stalks of bananas, breadfruit, crabs, and chickens as gifts. We reciprocated as in the morning with candy, crackers, and cigarettes. They made Kava going thru a ceremony than a while doing so and passing it out. It does not appear very enticing. They then followed that by natives dancing and singing. It was a very fine demonstration of the goodwill of the people. The chief of the island was present.
There were about 40 stalks of bananas so I took a stalk as did others, for my tent.
After the ceremonies one of our soldiers was struck in the head by a coconut. Luckily he has his pith helmet on and was not injured seriously.
Jim Jones and I went to stake our grounds for an officers club—-However we found a more suitable site and staked that off intending to use it rather than the original. We cut down some young Guava trees to make steamer chairs—but decided that we'd let a native Beni make some cane chairs for us.
Tongan lesson last night—Getting down to sentences now.
June 12th
For the last few days here done very little of interest except to help supervise with Jim the construction of the officer's club. The natives have made considerable progress in the past two days and the thatched roof and walls of woven coconut leaves have yet to be done. It is a big job and since it is against the law for them to accept money for construction just now since government buildings have priorities we bought for them 158 lbs. of beef to evade the issue. However we are afraid that all work will stop as soon as they consume the meat. They cook in deep pits using coconut leaves as fuel and wrap their meat breadfruit leaves and roast it. They also roast large yams some of which are 2 feet long and 6-8 inches in width. The end product of both of these is not very attractive but relished highly by the natives.
Jim is a great one for getting work out of them. But the last straw which resulted in rebellion was when he asked them to construct a “parquet” floor out of coconut trees. The major h objected. However we will have to plan some sort of flooring.
They offered us some Tongan Kava yesterday but we refused.
June 13th
Went to
We visited the PX—and bought a few odds and ends.
Had a rough trip back on a load of lumber in the
Medical meeting last night followed by a movie “Carefree” with Fred Astaire and
We had a real downpour this morning—and it is still raining. Sorry that I put on fresh clothes this A
We have to carry our gas mask and helmets when we leave the area now. Feel foolish—but perhaps the safest policy.
Complete blackouts starts tonight.
June 14th
Wrote three letters yesterday—to the family, Frank and Nancy, and Aunt Marge and Uncle Jim
Bull session last night—to bed at about nine.
June 15th
Attended 2 services yesterday
Saw a native yesterday with his foot bitten off by a shark.
A native boy when he is 18 receives 18 acres of land in the bush and 1/6
At the wedding
They also have a peculiar since of humor and do not think what we believe is humorous to be so—but they get a big kick out of hearing that a person has fallen from a coconut tree and broken his neck.
Obstetrics is in the hands of midwives and the mortality is becoming lower.
The furnishings of each house consists mainly of mats and tapa cloths. They sit on the floor with legs crossed and have other mats which they use as
They bury their dead in sand—which accounts for many of the graveyards being located close to the sea. The bodies
Smoking in
Their names translated into English sound
On the night of the wedding ceremony
The sarong woven by the natives
The Kava ceremony is the mark of a social gathering. Kava- nonalcoholic has a numbing effect from the hips down—and causes a tingling in the fingers. It is very refreshing and does not cause one to perspire. It is impolite to refuse.
The people
The Wesleyan's made it a law about 100 years ago that both the upper and lower parts of the body have to
Houma-where we are-so noted for its rats.
The natives have no tables and eat off coconut leaves and make cups out of banana leaves. They have two meals a day--. One at about 9 AM. which is hot—the men do the cooking What remains they hang away from the pigs which are abundant and eat it cold later in the day
Friends relatives, children are spectators at deliveries.
The natives eat the entrails of pigs
June 16th
Worked at the ward yesterday to put it in functioning order. Went to the Novena last night and then to a movie and saw “Meet Dr. Christian” with Jean Hersholt. The officers club is about completed except for cleaning up and making a garden. That's all.
June 18th
Visited the Methodist College (
Girls were very adept at juggling five guava at one time. There were many things on display—Tapa Cloths, native combs, grass skirts, woven masks, Kava cups, odd shells; However, they did not want to sell most of their goods and the least I could do was to buy two grass skirts. I believe that most will
The natives are money conscious now and try to charge exorbitant prices. I enjoyed the afternoon however-
Beer is not being distributed
June 19th, 1941
Not much new. Went swimming yesterday. Learned last night that Major Adams, Chief Engineer,
June 21st
Has been raining almost continuously for the past two days—and daily for weeks. We are in the rainy season—and I have never seen so much. It is almost impossible to keep our tent free of mud. It is useless to put on fresh clothes as they look like the devil" in an hour.
We had our “backyard” lengthened about 12 feet—supposed to be 15ft for the two shillings I promised.
Beer is now available—a case per week for each officer for two
and picked up 10 benches for the hospital and
Played cribbage last night with Jim—had a few beers, argued with Elias about socialized medicine and went to bed. A lively Saturday night.
Have to have my ward in spic and span condition for Major General
Richardson tomorrow.
A coconut missed me by 5 feet yesterday.
Had to get up at 1 A
Hope to get some mail in a few days. Wish I were not on the island now. What a life!!! Rats, bugs, ants, rain, mud, poor food, no conveniences
Radio accounts do not appear
June 23rd
Rain and mud. There has been practically no let up. Have
Heard that mail won’t be in for two or three weeks.
June 24th Found 7 Patients in my ward this morning—one was medical. Felt rather disappointed as I was happy to have a pure medical ward—
Asked McKelvey this morning
Sent an elderly Tongan—70 years old—in the bush this morning
Attended another Tongan lesson last night. Attendance has
Went swimming yesterday and enjoyed myself. Major Adams body has not
The Major General
Wrote a letter to Margaret yesterday. It must be nice on the island now—and I wish I were home. Pretty well fed up with everything.
There are rumors that we might go on to Australia. Would appreciate the change.
June 25th Went to town this morning via truck and picked up coral from the shoal00and also 12 chairs for the
We had pounded with a rolling pin like a hammer—on part of the circumference of the tree. It spreads out many times it
We had meat and potatoes for the first time on the island. The meat was roast beef with gravy and although we did not have much it was equivalent to a feast. Our values
I understand dog must
I learned last night I am to present a case tomorrow night at the medical meeting.
The working men have walked out on was could not like to
The queen
June 27th
The rain has let up. We went out into the sanitation detail and spent the morning in the Jeep.
Went swimming yesterday
Was OD the other night and administered 5 cases—infected mosquito bites, pneumonia, 2 food poisoning and a
Frequently think what the folks are doing back home. It is about 8 AM now and 3PM in the afternoon up in New York. The family is
the hospital took at beating this morning-- Tammy, Been, etc.
June 28th
Took the worst drubbing in my life in the Jeep yesterday. Rode around all morning through mud and bumpy roads. The jeep was swinging and swaying, skidding and slithering like a snake.
Another aviator went down yesterday morning at about 8:15. Mac saw him twirling; nose down, about 2 miles away. He apparently straightened out but too late as he flew into coconut trees. I understand that 3/4 of his headwas knocked off. He was 23.
June 28th
Took the worst drubbing in my life in the Jeep yesterday. Rode around all morning through mud and bumpy roads. The jeep was swinging and swaying, skidding and slithering like a snake.
Another aviator went down yesterday morning at about 8:15. Mac saw him twirling; nose down, about 2 miles away. He apparently straightened out but too late as he flew into coconut trees. I understand that 3/4 of his head
Arranged the furniture in the club yesterday and last night.
Beautiful night last night—full moon, star speckled sky, coconut tree, and quietude. A great night for the infantry.
The Barnet
Arranged the furniture in the club yesterday and last night
June 29th
Learned that an unidentified plane flew over last night
All diaries are to
Parliament opened today
June 30th
They say that the opening of parliament was worth seeing but lasted about 10 minutes. Last night saw “Love Affair” with
The British, Chinese, and Russians don’t seem to
July 1st
Took a trip to the Horn of the Island (
Last night watched Tek, a native, make a bracelet out of tortoise shells. Expect to have some made.
We have learned that some of us may go out on the field---to permit the medics in the field to get up with their medicines. There is blanket rejection amongst the 7th evict.
We have learned that some of us may go out on the field---to permit the medics in the field to get up with their medicines. There is blanket rejection amongst the 7th evict.
Went swimming yesterday about a mile from the blowhole
No mail yet!
July 2nd
Another plane crashed yesterday over the ocean. The pilot bailed out but has not
Made medical rounds this A.M.--very dull.
No mail yet
Have a native woman who fixes up our tent now.
July 3rd
Put over a big deal with the OMM
July 4th
The officers’ club opens tonight and we
The morale is
No mail yet.
The airport was on the alert the other night when the unidentified plane flew over
Had fresh eggs this morning
July 5th
I gave him a can of salted peanuts as a gift. They mayor of Huoma
Last night had a party at the club. It was a big success. We had a large tarpaulin spread on the ground to dance on. The beer flowed
The pilot who
We have to carry our gas masks and helmets to from the hospital area now. Something may be in the air
I’m O.D. today. I hope
July 6th—Quiet day—yesterday. Swam and basked yesterday afternoon—and spent the evening at the officers listening to the Victrola. No O.D. calls.
July 7th—Helped Jim stake out an area for the non-commissioned officers club-house. Went to see
The inspecting party passed right by my tent—sans inspection. I
Checked up on a dozen soldiers who had received lot #368 of Yellow Fever for their immunization dose. It
July 9th—Am preparing another medical ward and expect to have it ready for patients tomorrow. Things were all messed up as usual in army affairs.
I learned that I am also to treat Yaws—
Saw “Lucky Partners” with Ginger Rogers and Ronald Coleman last night. It rained very hard but most stuck it out although dripping wet. I expect that there will be another movie tonight.
Have been reports that
No mail yet!
Have a boy at the ward who fell asleep while a guard at the watch tower—he has been a prisoner since May 27th and will probably get a year and dishonorable discharge.
Apparently things are
July 10th—My ward is now working. I have four patients—who came in today. Worked them up
Am all set to treat the Tongans.
The rumor that the Queen Mary
Have a hunch that
July 11th—Worked up several cases to-day. Most are U.R.I. And Enterocolitis and one toxic neuritis and acute catarrhal jaundice. Took a swim and bath this afternoon. The hard soap makes the hair feel thick and full.
The novelty has well worn off and although everything
Spent some time this morning burning brush about 20 ft behind my tent. Want to get rid of it as it is a great nesting place for rats.
The days are cooler than they had been, but mild.
Wrote to the family and Margaret today. No mail yet but expect that it will arrive the first part of next week.
We would all be happier if we did not have to get up at dawn daily. The carrying of gas masks and helmets has become irksome but has to
July 12th—Sunday
Some rumors about messages being sent out to submarines via tapa tappings. Seems farfetched but may be so.
July 13th—Have 17 patients now—3 more for a full ward.
Last night at about four o'clock I awoke and found something running up my arm. I hastily shook it off—but realized that it was still within my mosquito netting. I jumped out—put on my flashlight and rummaged around—whatever
I found a rent in my netting where I had burnt—but repaired about 2
No mail yet. Am looking forward to it. Probably will be in a day or so—I hope.
July 14th—Have a
Somebody took possession of my pillow. Still sleeping on blankets altho I could have a mattress—but I'm used to it so won't bother.
Saw a 4th rate picture last night “Conspiracy”. One of the worst I've seen
Played football at the club yesterday afternoon: out of condition: was puffing like a steam engine in a short time. No so stiff as I thought I'd be today.
July 15th
Heard that mail ship came in and that they are censoring—ire. Spot censoring it so it will probably be a few days before we get it.
We had permanent election of officers last night at the club—Major Jones is President. Rosemary Byrne as a representative of the nurses—Vice President, Capital Gaypol Secretary Treasurer, Feldman, Van
Wrote a letter to
“Of Human Bondage” is a fine book and probably the best I've read. I recommend it highly.
Off to make my morning rounds.
July 17th
Mail arrived the night of July 15th and received more last night—14 letters in all. Heard from Pop, Eula, Rose, Margaret, Rose and Edgar, Aunt Marge and Uncle Jim. Am glad to hear that everything at home
Saw “A Great Man Votes” last night and then played some bridge at the club.
Rose sent some photos taken I believe in late April. Was glad to receive them. Aunt Marge and Uncle Jim and me too.
July 18th—It has raining in downpours for the first day—and things are
Not much new in last day. Played Gin Rummy with Jones last night.
Wrote to Ed yesterday and hope my mail makes the 1st ship out.
July 19th—Miserable night—practically a hurricane. Wind and rain in torrents all night—impossible to sleep. Thought frequently that the tent was going in one piece. Food of bed got soaking wet—
Hope they make a good mechanic out of Ed. Hate the thought of his flying.
Donated $20 to the fund yesterday. Hope to get it back later. Starting to get things in shape for the party—next Saturday—tea in the afternoon and beer at night. Inviting the Queen and Tongan nobility to the tea
Seems that this
Spoke last night at the club—drank beer—played solitaire
Have not heard from Frank yet!
July 20th
Gave Alley another haircut—I really got myself in for something
The officers from the Wasp visited us yesterday. They
The 77th C.A. are leaving
July 21st
Spent yesterday afternoon at the club—reading Life, Time and News Weekly.
July 22nd The typhoon
Went for a swim yesterday—and spent the evening at the club—reading. My mustache is about 10 days old now—and becoming rather full.
Nothing else today.
July 23rd Was mildly ill yesterday—gastroenteritis. Feel better today.
Nothing much is new except that
Things are pretty well set for the party Saturday.
Have to take
July 24th—Uneventful
The food is rank!! and I'm afraid
The king sought aid from G.B. Who sent a ship with Marines who
July 25th Worked up a good sweat this morning getting things set for the party this afternoon. The Queen
I bought a tropical helmet this morning—Price
Ordered also—a pint of Ethyl Alcohol just in case things are dull tonight.
That's all for now.
July 26th—The tea party and beer party was a great success. In the afternoon there were several local dignitaries present—including the Premier who represented the Queen—the governor of
More aircraft carriers and other ships have arrived—the Hornet and Enterprise—and North Carolina
The Queen Mary with 1000 troops
July 29th
The last few days have been exceptionally busy—both in social and professional ways. I received considerable mail on the 24th and 28thfrom the family and friends—and am glad to hear that everything is well. Medical meeting yesterday. Filariasis discussed—and presented—native
Am in the process of a having a cabana made on the beach for the officers and nurses
Have felt rather peculiar in the last few days—overstimulated
Expect to spend plenty of time answering mail during the next week.
Busy day yesterday answering mail. Wrote nine letters. Spend the evening at the club.
Having trouble with the girls in the club. Refuse to pay their fee
Played volley Ball last night and had a good workout.
Was glad to receive so many letters from home. Hope that mail will come in as promptly
July 31st.
Have answered most of my mail—14 letters in all and am looking forward already to the next batch. Yesterday was quiet as it rained hard all day and night.
I understand that the task force was engaged in a second battle of the Coral sea.
I have tried to give the family hints of our location. I
The Navy
Aug 1st Thunder and lightning overhead—the mud is thick—has been raining for three days. Wish I had books. Rain and mud have become almost typical of Tonga-tabu. However, Colonel Meagher forbade pictures to
It is the 1st of the month—so I start work in two wards with Jones and Mac Mullen. I'd like to have a ward of my own—but rank has its privileges.
I have heard no news as yet of the battle supposedly
Although it is only 8 AM, I am working by kerosene in my tent—as have to keep the flaps down, or
Wrote a hasty letter to pop last night thanking him for the Toffee
Meals seem to
Aug 2nd It let up raining this AM. Last night saw “Too Many Blondes” with Rudy Vallee—in the Force Surgeons Tent.
Mac finished up his month at the airport today—and has a growth on his upper lip about 2 weeks old.
The colonel just showed Jim, Mac and me some photographs—taken about 1 ½ months ago. I look like a seasoned veteran in one.
Have a letter
August 3rd
Quiet Day yesterday—
Someone left a cigarette in the fold of my tent and burned a hole in it. Probably take “years” to have it fixed.
Houma means rat in Tonga—and
Would like to be back in the States! Samel our club boy quit Sat.--so
Aug 4th—Quiet day—Played Volley ball in the afternoon. To a movie at night,
Am reading “For Whom the Bells Toll” now—and find it interesting.
Aug 5th—Rounds, censoring, taking the men for a swim and playing volleyball followed by a few games of Gin Rummy at the club with Jim made up the day.
The Solace pulled out yesterday, heading west, to be nearer the scene of activities.
Have not had a drink of water in over 2
Censored some mail this morning—there is
I wrote
I sent $170 home by money order yesterday and hope to receive and send home also $150 which we expect to get for uniform allotments—only a small part of the amount we have laid out for uniforms.
Aug 6th
Volley ball and then to the club last night. Read a few A.M.A. And then to bed.
On Fiji—about 400 miles from here—there are 20,000 men with 2 General and 1 Base hospital
We have had about 5 months of blackout now—starting on the ship. In retrospect
The service was poor
I have had feelings of nostalgia in and off. Although there are many around—I
Aug 7th
Have just about given up worrying about the welfare of the club
August 8th
There are rumors that the task force which left here about two weeks ago engaged the enemy (where?) and was successful in one encounter
Another airplane was in an accident last week
We're giving a party for the men of the Whitney tonight
August 9th
The task force
August 10th
Reports that the task force that was here three weeks ago had landed in the Solomon Islands in New Guinea, which
August 11th
Reports that we have taken the Solomon Islands against much resistance. Would like to be there. We might just as well be back in the States as in this position. However, they may send us casualties that might help keep us busy.
August 12th
--- The battle is still going on
Had a bull session with Tom and Father Lynch
I am going out in the bushes to treat Tongan children with yaws
Have a case of Filariasis in the ward who had a large gluteal abscess
August 13th
The rats had a grand time in and around my tent last night
Aug 14th
Went to
A ship is in today—with “40,000” pounds of mail. We will probably get it tomorrow
Tom reports we have taken three of the Solomon Islands—but with heavy casualties, and hand to hand fighting.
Movie last night, “Ride 'Em Cowboy” with Abbot and Costello
Aug 15th
The mail has not arrived yet.
The days seem to
Shaved my mustache this morning.
Aug 16th
Aug 17th
---Slept practically all of yesterday morning—Finished
The rats woke me up last night. They made an awful racket running around in the tent. I felt something in my foot and kicked it off. They sounded like full-grown rats. Lay awake for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. The rain probably drove them in.
August 18th
I have received nine letters in all
The enlisted man beat us badly last night at volleyball—3-0.
I had a good night's sleep last night
Insert drawing
August 19
Went swimming yesterday afternoon and basked in the sun. It was a fine day. Visited the hospital being erected
August 20th
Volleyball again last night
We get radio news on the short wave from San Francisco every night. Had the Waldorf-Astoria last week
I made a trip to Golami this afternoon
Just heard that a second front
August 21st
Spent in our so at the club and then to bed. Fine night's sleep
I felt a bit disappointed when Margaret left early on Easter Sunday—the day before leaving for good—the day before leaving for good
It was a rather difficult breaking away from Pop and Mom the following morning
For August 22
August 23rd
In the afternoon I went to a track meet held at the Methodist College (
They say another boat came in with 25 bags of mail.
August 24th
Went for
I had quite a time with the fleas in bed last night.
Aug 25th Spent the morning making rounds and working up three consultations—the afternoon reading and sleeping. We had a dinner celebrating Col Meagher's 25th anniversary in the army—followed by a movie—then a party at the club where the ethyl alcohol flowed freely in the form of a punch. I had a good time—and danced to music supplied by the 147th which sounded like one of the big ten.
Some mail arrived here yesterday
Aug 26th—Have been shaving with hot water for the past 4-5 days—and it is quite a novelty again to have hot
I am having some Tongan Kava cups made—about a dozen. They will make good cocktail cups when we get home.
I foolishly made a bet of
We ran out of beer at the club—and last night there were very few there. The officer who
Aug 27th Went swimming yesterday—spent the whole afternoon—roasting
Mac and I imbibed last night and spent a quiet but loquacious night. Hugh came along and we reminisced about mutual acquaintances at P & S. He is about to tackle the flea problem—but I put in my two cents and told him the rats should
Injured the 3rd and 4th fingers of my right-hand last night at volleyball playing against the privates. They won 2-1. It is probably a sprain—but I'll have a peak taken to rule out a chip fracture.
The sun rises earlier so we get up in the light now. It is about 7:30 AM and the sun is shining brightly about a quarter of the way up.
Aug 28th Made my trip to
Movie last night--"Three Sons
I am to be on Receiving and O.P.D. next month—and
We were double-crossed by our own ranking officers—who did not oppose our taking over this job but as a matter of fact were in favor of it. Just another thing which shows that the higher-ups don’t use their heads—and
My fingers feel better to day. No fractures by X-Ray.
Aug 29th—Rounds
A ship from the Solomons
A ship from San Francisco
A group had a party yesterday—and most of them appear to
Aug 30th—Went swimming yesterday afternoon. The weather was hot and humid—and the water was refreshing—although the tide was low. Went over to the club last night—drank New Zealand beer and returned to my tent early.
Aug 31st Church and then the club where we played some baseball. Did not have any lunch—but drank N.Z. beer and stayed at the club all day. Last night returned to the club played Gin Rummy with James and home early.
The Enterprise (aircraft carrier), one cruiser and 3 destroyers arrived yesterday.
Reports are optimistic. The Americans are not taking any prisoners—because of a recent betrayal in Tulagi. The Japs had raised the white flag—and the marines entered—but on approaching the flag-bearer jumped into a fox hole
The Americans
Sept 1
Picnic at Alleys beach yesterday afternoon—Steak, pork chops, beer and punch—and a birthday cake for
I start in receiving, OPP and evacuation today, which also includes censoring and administrative OD on my turn. Mail should be in soon.
Sept 2nd Very busy day yesterday—in receiving patients, Evacuation, censoring mail, attended officers and medical meeting, cut Alley's hair again, and worked up 3 cases of Enteritis. I went to the club for about an hour and returned with Father Lynch. We had a session for an hour
We arrived a 530 AM—as dawn breaks earlier. Awoke several times during the night since it was
Most of the news over the radio sounds encouraging.
Our food has improved a little—as our offices are paying more than the allotted amount. It was getting so
Sept 3rd Very busy day—treated yaws in the Tongan Soldiers yesterday. There are about 10 receiving treatments-catharses. There only complaint is sore feet—which appear thick with deep fissures on the soles. Some have had 4 shorts—so I'll have a Kahn done next week. Answering
Had a busy morning—admitted eight patients—mostly surgical and sutured a deep laceration of the hand of a Tongan boy. The children take pain very well without a whimper.
I just got rid of my Tongan Dispensary job and feel that it
The Tongan soldiers receive a shilling a day—amounting to about $4.75 a month. We pay our kitchen help
Father Callais is a French Catholic Missionary—and has been on the island—about 4 years and has his lifetime to go. It takes a lot of gumption with that outlook—to take a job like that. I've seen him frequently riding at a full gallop down the road in his black Cossack, black split fedora, black beard. He is a fine man and would do anything for you. I believe that our being here has been a pleasure for him.
I hope that the col and general
Sept 4th—Wrote a letter home and took a nap after working half the afternoon. Saw a “Dead End Kid” picture last night which was not so good. Things are
September 5th
The pilots from The Enterprise did a good job at the Solomons
Lt. Mosley (margin note: “subsequently killed in the Solomons”)--the atropine poisoned patient
Today is Pop’s birthday
September 6th
A new task force is being formed here and there are several vessels in the harbor: They say that several more including transports arrived yesterday. The aircraft carrier
This morning an Engineer, Major
The 37th Division
The Barnett and The American Legion are in port
Sept 7th
Morning in receiving
The Elliot
There are over 30 ships in the harbor now
The South Dakota left yesterday. With all these ships in harbor we are a good target for a Jap attack-but they are probably too busy in the Solomon area.
The fleas ate me alive last night
4:55PM- Aprox 12 PM in New York. Seven more ships arrived today
The meals are improving-had fresh ham, fresh mashed potatoes and fresh cabbage tonight
The Barnett has the wing of a Jap plane which landed aboard ship as the plane was falling.
I admitted the 1st solder of the Tongan Army
Sept 9th
We had a party last night in honor of the Vice Admiral of the Fleet Admiral Fletcher. There were about 75 to 100 Naval officers and aviators present including the Admiral. Purple death acted on them
From what I hear, just about the whole naval staff were “knocked cold” by Purple Death and were lying all over our grounds and stumbling about. I hope that they recover fully before they go into combat---because they’d take a shellacking now. The South Dakota on leaving here went up on a coral reef and
Our losses at the Solomon are greater than broadcasted. The whole first detail of marines to land
Sept 10th
The Barnett brought down three planes in the Solomons. We have had many aviators visiting us. Most of them are very young.
We consumed 40 gals of Purple Death and 35 cans of beer the other night for approximately 150 people. They began to drop like flies at about 10 PM and were lying all over the place. Those fellows set out to get drunk
Sept 11th
I believe I forgot to mention that our ship broke down in the Pacific for about 8 hours and we thought
No mail yet
We got a warning last night that the barometer was falling and that another typhoon was coming along
I believe that everyone agrees that our C.O. is a definite failure. He seems to be interested only in photography, the Tongan language, and the farm. He sells us officers farm produce for our mess at city prices,
A task force set out from here yesterday morning
Sept 12th
No mail as yet.
1 PM
Just stopped in at a nearby yard and saw a turtle approx. 4 ft by 2 ft by 1 ft. The Queen has one on her grounds that
Sailors were fishing off the side of the supply ship
All the battle ships except a cruiser and destroyer have left the harbor.
The marines went ashore on their hands in the Solomons
Sept 13th. Went to the opening of the infantry club last night and had a
Rumor that the American Legion is going to Australia and on its return the 147th
I gave the boys at the C.S.
Sept 14th
Bananas here for the taking and said to be selling for $1 a dozen in the states.
1-2:30 P.M. I am scheduled to take the men down swimming this afternoon
No mail yet. They say
Sept 15th
Took some patients for a swim yesterday and finished “Return via Dunkirk.” They are repeating the films
There have been a few laughs
We were all heartened yesterday when we heard that mail was in but were let down
The two casualties brought from the Solomons are doing nicely.
The recently commissioned battleship “Washington” is in
We had an officers meeting today. We discussed the guard situation and also mess. We have
I am
Sept 16th
Sept 17th. We expect more mail to come up today
A Lt. Col of the marines gave a lecture to the Commanding officers
At a landing on one place
The marines were at a loss as the Japs were shooting from the tops of the coconut trees./ However they soon settled the situation by ramming the trees with their tanks and shooting the Japs “on the wing” as they fell. When they ran out of ammunition or bayonets got
Thirty-four bombers
The task force had stopped at the Keys to practice landings. Three officials went ashore to
Sept 18th
We had practice exercises today
Sept 19th
A member of the War Dept. is visiting this morning. Reason?
Sept 20th
I spread naphthalene on my bed and on the bed and floor and chairs and had a relatively good nights sleep.
Sept 21st
The N. Carolina is in. Four bodies
Received 3 more letters
Received a letter from Margaret today postmarked June 1st
Sept 22nd
Spent the whole night in my tent
I have to mount the guard today
Rumors that we
Sept 23rd
Sept 24th
The Navy says
Sept 25th. Ancient movie last night
Sept 26th
Both the Wasp and the Jarvis
Tekit Tekit brought my bracelets yesterday
I have a good collection to send home
Sept 27th
Sept 28th Yesterday was quiet
Sept 29th
Sept 30th
The Washington is in again
We have to be at our battle stations at 5:30 AM now. Another silly regulation.
Oct 1st
Oct 2nd Started at Med. Ward yesterday. Tongan dispensary at
I learned that the WASP definitely
It seem that we are
Oct 3rd. Capt. Horn is unwrapping some supplies
Session with Ally, Benjamin, Horn, and Finnegan last night
Col. and Kidder went into dinner just after the rest of us last night and had steak
On my trip down in the Atlantic when the German submarine
Oct 4th
Fire call yesterday
Oct 5th
This time last year I was preparing to leave on my cruse. Plenty has happened since then
Oct 6th. Usual day
The weather has been bad
Oct 7
Some mail arrived last n night
Won 38c from
The news is promising-but I don’t know just how much to believe. We are all fed up with our position now and are hoping for a change.
Oct 8th Received 21 letters yesterday and spent 2 hours reading it. It felt good hearing from all at home. Got a letter from Ed,
I went down to the rectory for the
Spent the evening at the club
Oct 9th Rounds, medical reading, wrote 3 letters, attended clinical meeting (almost wrote "mutiny" instead of "meeting")
There has been plenty of dissatisfaction about the mess--. There have been attempts to improve it
Oct 10th
Nothing new
The 147th Inf. will leave in about 4 days with 1400 men
Changed my insignia from shoulder to collar
Book #2
Personal Diary of Lt. Jos F.
Task Time 0051 I
Tonga Tabu (Houma)
(Task Force Disbanded)
Fiji (
Oct-1942-June 1943
Oct 12
On starting on this second book, I only hope that we shall be out of here before I finish it.
Received a letter from Barbara Allen last night full of information about P.G. Thomas (?) is a commando and in transport now. I wish I were with him
Oct 13
A supply ship came in
The days are rather long. We get up at 5:30 and go to our battle stations
Oct 14th
Heard the president’s speech last night
Heard today for the first time that the Duke of Kent
Rumors are scarce these days.
Oct 15th
A circular came from the war department, asking for volunteers for the parachute corps. Day is thinking of going
Part of the 147th
Oct 16th
There has been considerable activity in the Solomon area. The Japs destroyed over 60 planes in a surprise attack, leaving only 13. There have been ship losses too. The folks at home get only the rosy side of the picture. We've had terrific losses in that area.
Took a swim yesterday. Movie “For Love of Money” last night, then Jim beat me at Gin Rummy. We now mess in a Quonset Hut which is a big improvement over the tent.
Oct 17th
Some planes were in the harbor yesterday practicing strafing of ships.
Oct 18th--We have only half of our air force now--about 12 pilots and planes. The Japs are said to have landed at Guadalcanal. I'm afraid we are going to have plenty of casualties.
Mailed the package yesterday-- and wrote a letter to the family and then invested in some clothing at the PX--socks, shorts, handkerchiefs, boots and caps.
There was a party at club last night for the Hunter Leggett Officers. It was not as good as our past parties--However I enjoyed the orchestra music (147th Inf orchestra). I had had about 3 1/2 qts of New Zealand beer---most while playing Gin Rummy with Jim in his tent before the party.
I received my uniform allowance of $150 yesterday and will send a money order at the beginning of the month.
Oct 19th--Rumor running about that Guadalcanal has fallen to the Japs-15, 000 troops are said to have landed. These rumors have not been confirmed
Went to a movie down at the naval base yesterday afternoon--Went down in the truck with about 6 others. “A Gentleman at Heart”. Played Gin Rummy with a Schleiss and won a dollar.
The morale is slipping and about 6 of the men are taking strongly to drink and wander about drunk all day. There will probably be a lot more before this is over. Harris’ tent went up in flames last night--the whole front flap and mosquito net were ruined--it happened about midnight and Gardener and Johnson were suspected of setting it ablaze. There are no other officer’s tents to replace it. A mean trick if it were intentional.
I saw the Barnett in the harbor yesterday--and would give almost anything to be embarking for the states.
Watermelons are in season now. --Complaints came in that the natives are missing a lot of them from the adjoining property. Watermelons cost $1 for 24 lbs.
Day has been going about in acute depression since the General would not permit transferal to the paratroops.
Some airmail arrived last night but I did not get any.
The weather has been getting progressively hotter--but very cool at night. I have been reading behind my tent--and have been gradually acquiring a tan.
Oct 20th--Today is Eddie's birthday. I hope that he will have many many more. The 147th is moving out--probably to the Solomons.
Twenty-eight ships are said to have been sunk at Pearl Harbor--and 2000 were killed in an administration building which collapsed.
Saw a relatively good movie last nite, “Dangerously They Live.”
I had a close-up of a young flying fox yesterday. It was about 6” long--with a wingspread of about 20”--claw like feet-- covered c’ fur and it also had a tongue. The head looked like a foxes. The wings were membranous. The face was rat-like.
Oct 21st--There is plenty of activity going on--The 58th Pursuit Squadron has been alerted--and is going to be replaced by New Zealanders. The 1st Battalion of the 147th has gone--and the 3rd has been alerted--the 147th will be no more when they are gone; the 2ndbattalion is at Suma. They will all probably see action in the Solomons.
Our task force is under General Harmons who is stationed at New Caledonia. We might be moved out after all.
They say that 100 WAACs from New Zealand are expected here in the island and they will be welcomed.
Our nurses in general are of very poor quality--inefficient--irresponsible, altho there are some good ones. There is a lot of friction amongst various groups, and they have a very poor leader who should have been removed before we embarked. For the most part they are a coarse group and are much provoked because the doctors pay very little attention to them. I maintain that things would be much better if men were given a short course on nursing in the states---to go overseas as nurses, and to leave the womenfolk at home. We’d be much better off without them.
Oct 22nd- The 147th is not heading directly to the Solomons but is going to an island about 200 miles N.W. of Fiji-- and about 500 mi from the Solomons. (Santa Cruz)
One of our nurses, Miss Callahan, was married yesterday. Until almost 2 mos ago this was not permitted--She married a lieutenant in the 77th C.A.
I wrote to Gladys Ojida yesterday-in response to a letter I received about 10 mos ago-. It will probably take quite some time to reach Santiago, Chile.
The public at home, according to reports. (radio- magazines, newspapers) think that everything was in our favor in the Solomons--- However, the Japs are preparing an offensive which I believe will recoup the islands without much difficulty. A few weeks ago the Washington was the only battleship in that area--and she left because it would have been suicide to remain. Tonga has been in the past the rendezvous for our fleet before entering into the Theater of Operations. There has been no such activity in months. The taking of the Solomon's was no great victory as is commonly believed.
Oct 23rd--We lost two more destroyers in the Solomon area in the past few days--the Meredith and the O'Brien. A few were lost on the Meredith--but all were saved on the O'Brien.
Ralph made a 2-1 bet ($10 - $5) that we would be here next Oct 22.
I was asked this morning to discuss Meningitis at the Medical Conference on Tuesday. Mac is going to present two cases of meningitis in the hospital.
We have been seeing many cases of Atypical (virus) Pneumonia. I have three cases in my ward now.
Oct 24th--Worked up part of my paper in the morning--A swim in the afternoon, then went to a party on the farm, celebrating Bob Ackerly’s wedding anniversary--. We went down in a truck--about twelve of us--Cols M. C. Kelvy, + Hattan, Majors Jones, Curtis, Preston, & Slattery and Ackerly, Capts Benjamin, Alley, Schlein, Gaypohl + Legett and Graff, Lts, Grove and myself. The farm consists of several acres of clearing--with a large trim lawn, tennis court, a nicely planned house with an open veranda on the side, leading into a screened bedroom. There were a couple of other houses--kitchen, barn, and a vegetable patch. The cleared area is surrounding by acres on acres of dense coconut trees aligned uniformly.
We started off with whisky sours concocted to suit our palates by Bob Preston. They were both excellent and potent and the party speedily developed into a state of loquaciousness, well being and good fellowship. We had the best meal I've had since we left the states, consisting of steak, onions, mashed potatoes, succotash, fresh tender corn (grown on the farm)-- ice cream & cake and coffee, and rounded off with an excellent cigar. Employed at the farm is a New Zealand white about 45 or 50 who stayed when the rest were evacuated. He landed on Tonga Tabu 23 years ago-- married, ad has a daughter now serving as ambulance driver in England. We asked him how he happened to come to Tonga--and he said “Wanderlust“--but there may have been something else behind it. The farm is 54 yrs old and belonged to a German--who was sent to N.Z. as he was an alien although he tried to obtain British citizenship. Germany also refused--so he is actually a man without a country.
When I returned I took over the O.D. job which Finnegan was holding down for me. At about 12M I was awakened --and Father Calais and a told me that a woman was very ill and wanted me to go to see her. I dressed--and went--gathering information on the way--. I thought I was going to encounter, from the story an obstetrical problem--but when we arrived at the hut we could hear an infant crying lustily--it had just been born a minute before I arrived. I went in--and found the native lying on the floor--with the baby--crying lustily, the cord was still intact. I left--after seeing that every thing was all right. I was wondering what I could have done without instruments. I suppose I could have gotten along all right.
I returned to bed and could not sleep--tossed for 1/2 - 3/4 hr--and realized that I had an attack of Oivera ippsial aurecular tachychardia, which took some time to control by suprabarbital, Nembutal and carotid sinus pressure. I was awakened twice after that, once for a fractured nose, and once for a tensive burns, which I referred to the Surgical OD.
October 25th--Further work on my paper-- a swim in the afternoon. Gin Rummy during the evening with Gaypohl. Slept like a log last night. Wrote a letter home last note. Received one by air mail from Jeanne Waldron.
Radio reports are encouraging.
A New Zealand Ace is stationed here at the airport-- 13 1/2 Messerschmitts to his credit. The airport will be manned completely by New Zealanders our men are moving up to the front. There is a great chance that the unit or part of the unit will go soon also. Although the climate here is wonderful and days are spent pleasantly--I would like to move on. The nights here are very dull-- and there is very little of interest left.
Oct 26th received mail from Pop, Eula, Margaret, Rose, Aunt Marge--the last date was Sept. 15th--almost 6 wks ago. Expect that more will arrive soon.
Yesterday was quiet. I read most of the day and played cards at night.
It has been raining lightly and two ropes on my tent broke because of shrinkage.
Oct 27--Wrote some letters home---went for a swim. Then a movie at night. Beat Jim at Gin Rummy.
Was called to see a native in labor at about 1130 PM. Had to fish up some equipment and waited around until about 2. She has not made any progress--as yet--as I just stopped down to see her. In order to examine her I had to have all the lights removed and had a doozy of a job. Will drop back again this morning
700 N Zealanders are said to have come in yesterday--mainly the air force. More expected, including WAACs and Infantry.
October 28th--A Major Leighton who is making a tour of the South Sea Islands informally informed us that this unit will remain in the South Seas for the duration. (The South Sea comprises the area between the Equator and the South Pole and Pitcairn Island and the Coral Sea). He thinks that this might be converted into a Base Hospital--but is also high on the list to move. He believes that some of us might be detached and that one surgeon of the group is scheduled to leave. (We don’t know whom yet.) If converted into a base hospital more doctors and nurses will come in.
Another of our warships was sunk and an aircraft carrier damaged in the Solomon area --a British broadcast started last night. None of Solomon area--British stated last night.
The alert was shifted up an hour since dawn is now at 430. was awakened twice during the night--since I was O.D.--and rightfully could have remained in bed--but I got up anyway. Because of the heat--the customary officers meeting medical meeting was cancelled.
October 29th--The Navy has announced the sinking of the Wasp. The Meredith was also sunk at about the same time. They were here together a few months ago before sailing for the Solomons.
Our purpose here, we have learned, is to protect the sea-lanes between the states, New Zealand & Australia.
The Hornet is said to have been damaged a few weeks ago.
There are three divisions in the Solomons: there are 3 battleships to a division--with aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers, so it seems that we have plenty of strength for a sea battle.
Arising before dawn is quite a chore.
Oct 30th---The weather has been very hot and heavy with humidity and we are being initiated into real tropical weather which will be in its fullest form in a month or to. As we arise very early we should be able to finish the bulk of our work before it becomes real hot during the morning.
The water yesterday was fine--but there were too many in swimming to really enjoy it--but it was much cooler at the blowholes.
We had our pictures taken yesterday in groups for the newspapers at home. I was in three groups--The Long Island group (Nassau County Daily News), the Brooklyn group and the Cornell Group--all for the benefit of building up morale at the home front.
There will be a tea for the WAACs (Woman’s Auxiliary Army Corps) on Saturday. We could stand something new to stimulate interest here.
I often wonder just how long this will continue. The ennui, particularly at night---is especially bad. It would be impossible to leave here--as the C.O. would not recommend a transfer if application were submitted.
Some of the fellows are beginning to feel this war as members of their family are being drawn in. It makes a lot of difference--.
There is a big battle going on in the Solomons with heavy loss on both sides. Division consists of 1 aircraft carrier, 3 battleships, 10 cruisers, 3 destroyers. We are said to have 3 divisions in the Solomon area.
Oct 31st---The news from the Solomons is bad--our forces are withdrawing--and they are ambushing as many as they can. It seems as though all of our losses have been for naught--and further promises that this will be a very long war. If they take the Solomons again--all our forces moved into the adjacent islands will be jeopardized.
This island might be subject to attack as it defends our shipping lane. We had a medley group---Americans, New Zealanders, Tongans, the navy. Orders came out that we are to obey superior officers of the NZ group--and their enlisted personnel are to take orders from superior officers of the U.S. Army.
Am reading a good book, “The Citadel” by Cranen
Nov 1st--Contrary to yesterday’s report, our forces have not withdrawn from Guadalcanal--but the Japs have packed up and have left. The marines are said to have the situation well in hand.
I received two letters--one from Pop and from Rose--and I responded. I was happy to hear from both. I have received very little mail lately--probably due to the service.
Our holding the Solomons means a lot to us as it means that we are that much nearer the end.
These have been personality changes amongst some of the men due to this peculiar way of living. I am content to read and write most of the day and pass my time pleasantly enough that way.
There was a tea yesterday for WAACs yesterday afternoon but I did not attend. I attended mess at 5:30 AM--this morning after recall from the alert.
I bought an alarm clock, which is ticking merrily away above me. I hope it can stand the early morning moisture, which penetrates into everything.
Receive cigarettes from Frank the other night. Have a good supply now.
Nov 2nd--
The alert was staffed from 4:30 to 5:30 as the Japs have withdrawn from Guadalcanal and are progressing northward instead of eastward in our direction. There was more sense--although we did not like it--to go on the alert in dawn 4:30 earlier since that is when attacks are made. The Japs had many ships damaged and although not mentioned I guess we had ours. One of our aircraft carriers was sunk--probably the Saratoga or Hornet.
I has been drizzling intermittently for the past week.
Have been winning consistently at Gin Rummy--although I lost 15 c to Willy the other night.
If the Japs had taken the Solomons--our outlook here would not be too good as they would probably have headed toward the Fiji, Samoa, Tonga group--as was recently believed they would do.
Nov 2nd--Rained for about 8 hours yesterday. Medicine in the morning--and finished The Citadel in the afternoon. It was enjoyable but cynical-- dwelling on the deficits of medicine, but giving very little to the rich part. The book would give the that medical profession is farce--a misrepresentation.
I am pretty well fed up with the place and I don’t know what I would do if I did not have books to resort to as a form of escape. The other men use cards and drink. I am glad that I have not resorted to the latter. It is an easy thing to do. I believe that I have been spending my time most profitably.
It rained like blazes yesterday--and I had no chance to tryout my new knee boots which definitely came in handy.
We are said to have damaged or sunk 7 Jap war ships--2 aircraft carriers, 2 cruisers, 2 battleships--1 destroyer at Burma Harbor. One aircraft carrier noted as sunk--was sunk in the Santa Cruz area where the 134th went.
Reports are optimistic and I hope there is foundation for them and that we will continue our drive.
Nov 4th--The Allies have taken Kakoda, New Guinea--and reports from Aprea--- are good. Yesterday was an ordinary day without anything unusual occurring.
Sent a pair of shoes to Edgar--at Deca Tow field.
Played G.R. with Jim and beat him 3 out of 4 last night.
Went swimming yesterday afternoon--the water was very rough--and high--was on the spot once--but managed to get out all right.
Nov 5th
Routine day yesterday--has been showering intermittently.
We’ll have to find some form of exercise---building up too much excess energy. Calisthenics would not be bad. Reminds me of Fort Dix when we used to get up at 630, put on a shirt, and have calisthenics in front of the barracks during cold mornings of February and March. It was more punishment than exercise. We used to vie with each other to see would find something new to buy at the O.M.--and since were were at first scheduled for Europe, we invested in woolens, etc. The day after Day and Stratberry ordered and bought overcoats, we changed to this tropical force.
Spent last evening in my neighbors tent. Pierce, Vand and Storm, listening to the radio. The music was good. Retired at 9.
Nov 6th
Good news from the African front—the British have captured 9000 prisoners—and one general. The leader of the African Corps (German) was killed.
There was a double header movie last night, “Meet the Champ” with Hugh Herbert and a Charley McCarthy picture—from 7-10.
Jim and others have been giving the Tongans Red Cross Lectures. Have gave them an examination the other day—the final question was “Should the mother or grandmother chew the infant foot before giving it to him.” In the past that was quite a custom here—and consequently the infant and child mortality was high from it. And other diseases spread from the chewer.
I have read a synopsis in the Readers Digest “A Donkey Inside” by Bemelmans—about Ecuador. It brought back many memories of last year. There is also an article on Peru in The National Geographic which I enjoyed very much for the same reason. I would not be surprised if many of the men with whom I sailed with are dead now as the casualties in the Merchant Marine are high.
Our 36 day trip—blacked out at night—from Dec 7th on was rather treacherous—zigzagging and changing our direction—there and back. We would have been helpless, unarmed—if we met any hostile craft. We had frequent boat drills but everything went along uneventfully-in spit of being followed by an unknown ship which we were able to lose one night. I had made up some exta first aid satchels in case of emergency.
I won a dollar from Gapol--Dewey won.
Nov 7th--“Victory is absolute and complete”--so says the British Commander in African. A German General Von Sturman has been killed--and several others besides 9000 Italians and Germans captured--250 tanks captured, 400 planes downed, transports sunk--100,00 lbs of shipping in all destroyed. The first good substantial victory of the war.
Visited a Bazaar at the Wesleyan Church but did not buy anything as I was a bit too late and they just had tapas--of which I have already bought enough.
Slept all afternoon--. Was OD last night--called about 12:30-- sloshed through the mud to receiving. The patient said the he felt a supra clavicular lymph gland rise into his throat and choke him when he lay down--after examining him I sent him ward 30 (Psychiatric)--Hys. Was awakened later-- an M.P. had a truck driver whom I was supposed to test for drunkenness--as he slipped off the road and crashed into a tree which any sober driver might do---the roads as they are. In spite of signs of acute alcoholism, I denied that he was drunk as they would have court martialed him. There is plenty of drunkenness amongst officers which goes unnoticed and is covered up. The private seemed very grateful.
The island is just a mass of mud--and puddles. It has rained frequently and hard during the past four weeks No wonder anything will grow here. The soil is very fertile and gets plenty of water.
I slept through alert today as I was up during the night. Wrote to Jim Hoyt of WR Graci yesterday.
Am reading, “My Son, my Son.”
Nov 8th--A New Zealand soldier crashed and was killed yesterday by hitting coconut trees.
Went with Jim last night to see a pt in Vatna--pregnant-- and supposed to be having trouble. When we got there a group of at least 20 were sitting around the room and she was crying and putting on a good show for them. It seems as though some one (her husband) crossed her during the day. She was moaning and groaning. Was about a pt. myself after the ride in the back of the jeep.
A pt died last night--subphrenic abscess following subtotal gastrectomy.
The news from abroad is excellent. There was a notice in the news to be ready since “the war seems to be taken to the Axis-to move at a moments notice“. The notice read--”Since the election is over--etc.“ From which we are bound to gather that activity was held up until we had our elections in the States. Votes--not lives-- seem to be of greatest importance it seems.
Gave Jim a trimming at G.R. last night. Went to bed at about 10--read for a while-then tried to go to sleep after taking a phenobarb--but the fleas were attacking in full force--was bed was made up improperly, and the wood was flapping back and forth the forced the fly in the tent. flaps. Got up several times--and finally did fall asleep. Bad idea to nap in the afternoon. There is mail in which has not come up yet.
From the way things look now, we might not be here next year!!
Nov 9th ---Attended an autopsy--and also saw the charred remains of the New Zealand flier--who was a non commissioned pilot. There are varying versions of how he crashed. His plane shot up in flames on crashing--and the machine gun went off. There was nothing left but char. A Tongan man was brought in last night--shot accidentally--the bullet went through both hips traversing several loops of terminal ileum and the surgical operation and transfusion did not help and he died soon after.
Trutt and Kassa went to a party given by the Queen. There were a parrot--which they had for 24 hrs. before it died. Joe looks very mournful digging a grave for it. Although it looked very scraggly when they brought it home--I believe they gave the finishing touch by overfeeding it.
Oct 18th--We have only half of our air force now--about 12 pilots and planes. The Japs are said to have landed at Guadalcanal. I'm afraid we are going to have plenty of casualties.
Mailed the package yesterday-- and wrote a letter to the family and then invested in some clothing at the PX--socks, shorts, handkerchiefs, boots and caps.
There was a party at club last night for the Hunter Leggett Officers. It was not as good as our past parties--However I enjoyed the orchestra music (147th Inf orchestra). I had had about 3 1/2 qts of New Zealand beer---most while playing Gin Rummy with Jim in his tent before the party.
I received my uniform allowance of $150 yesterday and will send a money order at the beginning of the month.
Oct 19th--Rumor running about that Guadalcanal has fallen to the Japs-15, 000 troops are said to have landed. These rumors have not been confirmed
Went to a movie down at the naval base yesterday afternoon--Went down in the truck with about 6 others. “A Gentleman at Heart”. Played Gin Rummy with a Schleiss and won a dollar.
The morale is slipping and about 6 of the men are taking strongly to drink and wander about drunk all day. There will probably be a lot more before this is over. Harris’ tent went up in flames last night--the whole front flap and mosquito net were ruined--it happened about midnight and Gardener and Johnson were suspected of setting it ablaze. There are no other officer’s tents to replace it. A mean trick if it were intentional.
I saw the Barnett in the harbor yesterday--and would give almost anything to be embarking for the states.
Watermelons are in season now. --Complaints came in that the natives are missing a lot of them from the adjoining property. Watermelons cost $1 for 24 lbs.
Day has been going about in acute depression since the General would not permit transferal to the paratroops.
Some airmail arrived last night but I did not get any.
The weather has been getting progressively hotter--but very cool at night. I have been reading behind my tent--and have been gradually acquiring a tan.
Oct 20th--Today is Eddie's birthday. I hope that he will have many many more. The 147th is moving out--probably to the Solomons.
Twenty-eight ships are said to have been sunk at Pearl Harbor--and 2000 were killed in an administration building which collapsed.
Saw a relatively good movie last nite, “Dangerously They Live.”
I had a close-up of a young flying fox yesterday. It was about 6” long--with a wingspread of about 20”--claw like feet-- covered c’ fur and it also had a tongue. The head looked like a foxes. The wings were membranous. The face was rat-like.
Oct 21st--There is plenty of activity going on--The 58th Pursuit Squadron has been alerted--and is going to be replaced by New Zealanders. The 1st Battalion of the 147th has gone--and the 3rd has been alerted--the 147th will be no more when they are gone; the 2ndbattalion is at Suma. They will all probably see action in the Solomons.
Our task force is under General Harmons who is stationed at New Caledonia. We might be moved out after all.
They say that 100 WAACs from New Zealand are expected here in the island and they will be welcomed.
Our nurses in general are of very poor quality--inefficient--irresponsible, altho there are some good ones. There is a lot of friction amongst various groups, and they have a very poor leader who should have been removed before we embarked. For the most part they are a coarse group and are much provoked because the doctors pay very little attention to them. I maintain that things would be much better if men were given a short course on nursing in the states---to go overseas as nurses, and to leave the womenfolk at home. We’d be much better off without them.
Oct 22nd- The 147th is not heading directly to the Solomons but is going to an island about 200 miles N.W. of Fiji-- and about 500 mi from the Solomons. (Santa Cruz)
One of our nurses, Miss Callahan, was married yesterday. Until almost 2 mos ago this was not permitted--She married a lieutenant in the 77th C.A.
I wrote to Gladys Ojida yesterday-in response to a letter I received about 10 mos ago-. It will probably take quite some time to reach Santiago, Chile.
The public at home, according to reports. (radio- magazines, newspapers) think that everything was in our favor in the Solomons--- However, the Japs are preparing an offensive which I believe will recoup the islands without much difficulty. A few weeks ago the Washington was the only battleship in that area--and she left because it would have been suicide to remain. Tonga has been in the past the rendezvous for our fleet before entering into the Theater of Operations. There has been no such activity in months. The taking of the Solomon's was no great victory as is commonly believed.
Oct 23rd--We lost two more destroyers in the Solomon area in the past few days--the Meredith and the O'Brien. A few were lost on the Meredith--but all were saved on the O'Brien.
Ralph made a 2-1 bet ($10 - $5) that we would be here next Oct 22.
I was asked this morning to discuss Meningitis at the Medical Conference on Tuesday. Mac is going to present two cases of meningitis in the hospital.
We have been seeing many cases of Atypical (virus) Pneumonia. I have three cases in my ward now.
Oct 24th--Worked up part of my paper in the morning--A swim in the afternoon, then went to a party on the farm, celebrating Bob Ackerly’s wedding anniversary--. We went down in a truck--about twelve of us--Cols M. C. Kelvy, + Hattan, Majors Jones, Curtis, Preston, & Slattery and Ackerly, Capts Benjamin, Alley, Schlein, Gaypohl + Legett and Graff, Lts, Grove and myself. The farm consists of several acres of clearing--with a large trim lawn, tennis court, a nicely planned house with an open veranda on the side, leading into a screened bedroom. There were a couple of other houses--kitchen, barn, and a vegetable patch. The cleared area is surrounding by acres on acres of dense coconut trees aligned uniformly.
We started off with whisky sours concocted to suit our palates by Bob Preston. They were both excellent and potent and the party speedily developed into a state of loquaciousness, well being and good fellowship. We had the best meal I've had since we left the states, consisting of steak, onions, mashed potatoes, succotash, fresh tender corn (grown on the farm)-- ice cream & cake and coffee, and rounded off with an excellent cigar. Employed at the farm is a New Zealand white about 45 or 50 who stayed when the rest were evacuated. He landed on Tonga Tabu 23 years ago-- married, ad has a daughter now serving as ambulance driver in England. We asked him how he happened to come to Tonga--and he said “Wanderlust“--but there may have been something else behind it. The farm is 54 yrs old and belonged to a German--who was sent to N.Z. as he was an alien although he tried to obtain British citizenship. Germany also refused--so he is actually a man without a country.
When I returned I took over the O.D. job which Finnegan was holding down for me. At about 12M I was awakened --and Father Calais and a told me that a woman was very ill and wanted me to go to see her. I dressed--and went--gathering information on the way--. I thought I was going to encounter, from the story an obstetrical problem--but when we arrived at the hut we could hear an infant crying lustily--it had just been born a minute before I arrived. I went in--and found the native lying on the floor--with the baby--crying lustily, the cord was still intact. I left--after seeing that every thing was all right. I was wondering what I could have done without instruments. I suppose I could have gotten along all right.
I returned to bed and could not sleep--tossed for 1/2 - 3/4 hr--and realized that I had an attack of Oivera ippsial aurecular tachychardia, which took some time to control by suprabarbital, Nembutal and carotid sinus pressure. I was awakened twice after that, once for a fractured nose, and once for a tensive burns, which I referred to the Surgical OD.
October 25th--Further work on my paper-- a swim in the afternoon. Gin Rummy during the evening with Gaypohl. Slept like a log last night. Wrote a letter home last note. Received one by air mail from Jeanne Waldron.
Radio reports are encouraging.
A New Zealand Ace is stationed here at the airport-- 13 1/2 Messerschmitts to his credit. The airport will be manned completely by New Zealanders our men are moving up to the front. There is a great chance that the unit or part of the unit will go soon also. Although the climate here is wonderful and days are spent pleasantly--I would like to move on. The nights here are very dull-- and there is very little of interest left.
Oct 26th received mail from Pop, Eula, Margaret, Rose, Aunt Marge--the last date was Sept. 15th--almost 6 wks ago. Expect that more will arrive soon.
Yesterday was quiet. I read most of the day and played cards at night.
It has been raining lightly and two ropes on my tent broke because of shrinkage.
Oct 27--Wrote some letters home---went for a swim. Then a movie at night. Beat Jim at Gin Rummy.
Was called to see a native in labor at about 1130 PM. Had to fish up some equipment and waited around until about 2. She has not made any progress--as yet--as I just stopped down to see her. In order to examine her I had to have all the lights removed and had a doozy of a job. Will drop back again this morning
700 N Zealanders are said to have come in yesterday--mainly the air force. More expected, including WAACs and Infantry.
October 28th--A Major Leighton who is making a tour of the South Sea Islands informally informed us that this unit will remain in the South Seas for the duration. (The South Sea comprises the area between the Equator and the South Pole and Pitcairn Island and the Coral Sea). He thinks that this might be converted into a Base Hospital--but is also high on the list to move. He believes that some of us might be detached and that one surgeon of the group is scheduled to leave. (We don’t know whom yet.) If converted into a base hospital more doctors and nurses will come in.
Another of our warships was sunk and an aircraft carrier damaged in the Solomon area --a British broadcast started last night. None of Solomon area--British stated last night.
The alert was shifted up an hour since dawn is now at 430. was awakened twice during the night--since I was O.D.--and rightfully could have remained in bed--but I got up anyway. Because of the heat--the customary officers meeting medical meeting was cancelled.
October 29th--The Navy has announced the sinking of the Wasp. The Meredith was also sunk at about the same time. They were here together a few months ago before sailing for the Solomons.
Our purpose here, we have learned, is to protect the sea-lanes between the states, New Zealand & Australia.
The Hornet is said to have been damaged a few weeks ago.
There are three divisions in the Solomons: there are 3 battleships to a division--with aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers, so it seems that we have plenty of strength for a sea battle.
Arising before dawn is quite a chore.
Oct 30th---The weather has been very hot and heavy with humidity and we are being initiated into real tropical weather which will be in its fullest form in a month or to. As we arise very early we should be able to finish the bulk of our work before it becomes real hot during the morning.
The water yesterday was fine--but there were too many in swimming to really enjoy it--but it was much cooler at the blowholes.
We had our pictures taken yesterday in groups for the newspapers at home. I was in three groups--The Long Island group (Nassau County Daily News), the Brooklyn group and the Cornell Group--all for the benefit of building up morale at the home front.
There will be a tea for the WAACs (Woman’s Auxiliary Army Corps) on Saturday. We could stand something new to stimulate interest here.
I often wonder just how long this will continue. The ennui, particularly at night---is especially bad. It would be impossible to leave here--as the C.O. would not recommend a transfer if application were submitted.
Some of the fellows are beginning to feel this war as members of their family are being drawn in. It makes a lot of difference--.
There is a big battle going on in the Solomons with heavy loss on both sides. Division consists of 1 aircraft carrier, 3 battleships, 10 cruisers, 3 destroyers. We are said to have 3 divisions in the Solomon area.
Oct 31st---The news from the Solomons is bad--our forces are withdrawing--and they are ambushing as many as they can. It seems as though all of our losses have been for naught--and further promises that this will be a very long war. If they take the Solomons again--all our forces moved into the adjacent islands will be jeopardized.
This island might be subject to attack as it defends our shipping lane. We had a medley group---Americans, New Zealanders, Tongans, the navy. Orders came out that we are to obey superior officers of the NZ group--and their enlisted personnel are to take orders from superior officers of the U.S. Army.
Am reading a good book, “The Citadel” by Cranen
Nov 1st--Contrary to yesterday’s report, our forces have not withdrawn from Guadalcanal--but the Japs have packed up and have left. The marines are said to have the situation well in hand.
I received two letters--one from Pop and from Rose--and I responded. I was happy to hear from both. I have received very little mail lately--probably due to the service.
Our holding the Solomons means a lot to us as it means that we are that much nearer the end.
These have been personality changes amongst some of the men due to this peculiar way of living. I am content to read and write most of the day and pass my time pleasantly enough that way.
There was a tea yesterday for WAACs yesterday afternoon but I did not attend. I attended mess at 5:30 AM--this morning after recall from the alert.
I bought an alarm clock, which is ticking merrily away above me. I hope it can stand the early morning moisture, which penetrates into everything.
Receive cigarettes from Frank the other night. Have a good supply now.
Nov 2nd--
The alert was staffed from 4:30 to 5:30 as the Japs have withdrawn from Guadalcanal and are progressing northward instead of eastward in our direction. There was more sense--although we did not like it--to go on the alert in dawn 4:30 earlier since that is when attacks are made. The Japs had many ships damaged and although not mentioned I guess we had ours. One of our aircraft carriers was sunk--probably the Saratoga or Hornet.
I has been drizzling intermittently for the past week.
Have been winning consistently at Gin Rummy--although I lost 15 c to Willy the other night.
If the Japs had taken the Solomons--our outlook here would not be too good as they would probably have headed toward the Fiji, Samoa, Tonga group--as was recently believed they would do.
Nov 2nd--Rained for about 8 hours yesterday. Medicine in the morning--and finished The Citadel in the afternoon. It was enjoyable but cynical-- dwelling on the deficits of medicine, but giving very little to the rich part. The book would give the that medical profession is farce--a misrepresentation.
I am pretty well fed up with the place and I don’t know what I would do if I did not have books to resort to as a form of escape. The other men use cards and drink. I am glad that I have not resorted to the latter. It is an easy thing to do. I believe that I have been spending my time most profitably.
It rained like blazes yesterday--and I had no chance to tryout my new knee boots which definitely came in handy.
We are said to have damaged or sunk 7 Jap war ships--2 aircraft carriers, 2 cruisers, 2 battleships--1 destroyer at Burma Harbor. One aircraft carrier noted as sunk--was sunk in the Santa Cruz area where the 134th went.
Reports are optimistic and I hope there is foundation for them and that we will continue our drive.
Nov 4th--The Allies have taken Kakoda, New Guinea--and reports from Aprea--- are good. Yesterday was an ordinary day without anything unusual occurring.
Sent a pair of shoes to Edgar--at Deca Tow field.
Played G.R. with Jim and beat him 3 out of 4 last night.
Went swimming yesterday afternoon--the water was very rough--and high--was on the spot once--but managed to get out all right.
Nov 5th
Routine day yesterday--has been showering intermittently.
We’ll have to find some form of exercise---building up too much excess energy. Calisthenics would not be bad. Reminds me of Fort Dix when we used to get up at 630, put on a shirt, and have calisthenics in front of the barracks during cold mornings of February and March. It was more punishment than exercise. We used to vie with each other to see would find something new to buy at the O.M.--and since were were at first scheduled for Europe, we invested in woolens, etc. The day after Day and Stratberry ordered and bought overcoats, we changed to this tropical force.
Spent last evening in my neighbors tent. Pierce, Vand and Storm, listening to the radio. The music was good. Retired at 9.
Nov 6th
Good news from the African front—the British have captured 9000 prisoners—and one general. The leader of the African Corps (German) was killed.
There was a double header movie last night, “Meet the Champ” with Hugh Herbert and a Charley McCarthy picture—from 7-10.
Jim and others have been giving the Tongans Red Cross Lectures. Have gave them an examination the other day—the final question was “Should the mother or grandmother chew the infant foot before giving it to him.” In the past that was quite a custom here—and consequently the infant and child mortality was high from it. And other diseases spread from the chewer.
I have read a synopsis in the Readers Digest “A Donkey Inside” by Bemelmans—about Ecuador. It brought back many memories of last year. There is also an article on Peru in The National Geographic which I enjoyed very much for the same reason. I would not be surprised if many of the men with whom I sailed with are dead now as the casualties in the Merchant Marine are high.
Our 36 day trip—blacked out at night—from Dec 7th on was rather treacherous—zigzagging and changing our direction—there and back. We would have been helpless, unarmed—if we met any hostile craft. We had frequent boat drills but everything went along uneventfully-in spit of being followed by an unknown ship which we were able to lose one night. I had made up some exta first aid satchels in case of emergency.
I won a dollar from Gapol--Dewey won.
Nov 7th--“Victory is absolute and complete”--so says the British Commander in African. A German General Von Sturman has been killed--and several others besides 9000 Italians and Germans captured--250 tanks captured, 400 planes downed, transports sunk--100,00 lbs of shipping in all destroyed. The first good substantial victory of the war.
Visited a Bazaar at the Wesleyan Church but did not buy anything as I was a bit too late and they just had tapas--of which I have already bought enough.
Slept all afternoon--. Was OD last night--called about 12:30-- sloshed through the mud to receiving. The patient said the he felt a supra clavicular lymph gland rise into his throat and choke him when he lay down--after examining him I sent him ward 30 (Psychiatric)--Hys. Was awakened later-- an M.P. had a truck driver whom I was supposed to test for drunkenness--as he slipped off the road and crashed into a tree which any sober driver might do---the roads as they are. In spite of signs of acute alcoholism, I denied that he was drunk as they would have court martialed him. There is plenty of drunkenness amongst officers which goes unnoticed and is covered up. The private seemed very grateful.
The island is just a mass of mud--and puddles. It has rained frequently and hard during the past four weeks No wonder anything will grow here. The soil is very fertile and gets plenty of water.
I slept through alert today as I was up during the night. Wrote to Jim Hoyt of WR Graci yesterday.
Am reading, “My Son, my Son.”
Nov 8th--A New Zealand soldier crashed and was killed yesterday by hitting coconut trees.
Went with Jim last night to see a pt in Vatna--pregnant-- and supposed to be having trouble. When we got there a group of at least 20 were sitting around the room and she was crying and putting on a good show for them. It seems as though some one (her husband) crossed her during the day. She was moaning and groaning. Was about a pt. myself after the ride in the back of the jeep.
A pt died last night--subphrenic abscess following subtotal gastrectomy.
The news from abroad is excellent. There was a notice in the news to be ready since “the war seems to be taken to the Axis-to move at a moments notice“. The notice read--”Since the election is over--etc.“ From which we are bound to gather that activity was held up until we had our elections in the States. Votes--not lives-- seem to be of greatest importance it seems.
Gave Jim a trimming at G.R. last night. Went to bed at about 10--read for a while-then tried to go to sleep after taking a phenobarb--but the fleas were attacking in full force--was bed was made up improperly, and the wood was flapping back and forth the forced the fly in the tent. flaps. Got up several times--and finally did fall asleep. Bad idea to nap in the afternoon. There is mail in which has not come up yet.
From the way things look now, we might not be here next year!!
Nov 9th ---Attended an autopsy--and also saw the charred remains of the New Zealand flier--who was a non commissioned pilot. There are varying versions of how he crashed. His plane shot up in flames on crashing--and the machine gun went off. There was nothing left but char. A Tongan man was brought in last night--shot accidentally--the bullet went through both hips traversing several loops of terminal ileum and the surgical operation and transfusion did not help and he died soon after.
Trutt and Kassa went to a party given by the Queen. There were a parrot--which they had for 24 hrs. before it died. Joe looks very mournful digging a grave for it. Although it looked very scraggly when they brought it home--I believe they gave the finishing touch by overfeeding it.
Received some mail yesterday but not much. There has been a let-down. Troops have landed on the north and west African coast--the President has appealed to the French not to resist. It seems as though we are actually doing things now.
November 10th--Started from New York 7 mos. ago yesterday. Six months ago today we landed on Tonga Tabu. Algeria has asked for an armistice in response to the Presidents plea. Vichy France has broken off relations with the U.S., meaning it will resist the US in Africa. They are still cleaning up in Egypt and Libya.
Received some magazines from Frank yesterday--a nice gesture.
November 11th-- A rumor spread that the allies have invaded Italy and France yesterday but undoubtedly it is untrue as it was not confirmed over the radio.
The 3rd battalion--147th infantry--left yesterday, presumably for the Solomon’s, leaving the 134th CA and the 77th CA behind. We wont have many left to take care of if this keeps up.
Received a package from Rose Anne-- Toffee from Pop and magazines from Frank.
Marvin bought a lamp yesterday (Aladdin) cost--$18--gives very good light and will come in handy.
Saw our group photos yesterday--most have turned out well--but a few have to retaken. Our B’klyn picture will be retaken today.
Nov 12th
-Admiral Darlin of the French Fleet--totally Nazi was captured and is a guest of our generals. The Bay of Tunisia gave the U.S. permission for our forces to go there, that that country to go through that country and nearly all of N. Africa is in our control.
Hitler has spread his troops all over France. Churchill states that this is definitely our second front.
If the Normandy had not been sabotaged, we would probably be in Europe now. I have been asked to write a recommendation for one of our enlisted men. He wants to join the air corps.
The 147th has left --and will undoubtedly see action.Dec. 20th
Made some more Plunko last night—about 6 of us stayed here—drank and played crap. I won $10.
Bull session until 2 A.M. With Buendaye and Capt. Burns.
This morning had a mild headache. But it subsided readily.
Visited the hospital--.
Bought 7 small mats and a couple of dozen coasters—to send home.
Nov 13th (Friday)- We were put on a 15 minute alert yesterday (Had to be 15 minutes of the camp) as a Jap cruiser and destroyer were sighted at a distance 2 hrs from the island. They were headed this way. The ship bearing the 147th didn't leave port on this account. Eight of our planes were sent out to get them--but failed to find them.
One of my patients--a colored fellow with chronic arthritis died following tonsillectomy. He had profuse bleeding during the operation. The carotid was legated to control bleeding. It stopped but on the ward started again. Last night he was admitted to the OR to clamp the bleeding--he went into laryngospasm and died in spite of a tracheotomy. I hope that this will be the last one.
Was awakened at about 430 A.M. by the bugle and voices. The enlisted men_s_ club was up in flames--about the biggest blaze I've seen--like a dried Christmas tree. The wind was blowing in our direction--but was not strong--or else it could have destroyed our camp. It was burnt to the ground.
The news has been excellent--Admiral Darlin was Commander of all Vichy French forces and he told them to lay down their arms. However Petain is urging them on. It looks like the beginning of the end. I hope that they will collapse real soon.
If I had not joined the unit I_m sure that I would be captain by this time. The men back in the States are going up fast. It hardly seems fair that the men who have been out for several years receive the same appointment --as the men just graduating. Doctors in the first place should start out with a higher rank--since they are usually older than the average 1st Lt. Should be earning more (relatively) due to expense of education, and are more educated than equivalent ranks in other units. There is a big discrepancy. Promotions--they are coming very slowly and it seems as though I will never be advanced. Our unit commander has shown little or no interest in pushing his men. He said before leaving New York that all 1st Lt should be advanced after overseas for 6 mos. It is seven months now with no prospect. As a leader he is a failure. He has the respect of no one--and we would fair much better without him. Enough for that. I could go on all day--but there_s no sense to that.
Nov 14th--The news still is very encouraging in all fronts--and the Nazis are on the defensive for the 1st time. A foreboding of success emanates from a passage in Hitler_s speech in which he sated he would not leave the country as the Kaiser did in the last war.
I read in Readers Digest that shippers have to obey instructions set down by Govt Officials ie course, blackout regulations, Capt Gruff of the Clara after war was declared was instructed to proceed to Jacksonville and along the coast of Florida then through the canal. Instead he took a course between Haiti and PR (Mona Strait). Disobedience is punished by revocation of license if their ship is sunk.
I have a new maid as I fired Cinderella. Marie is rather an attraction, tall girl of more intelligence than the average She is neat, tends to change a little more than the rest for her laundry services--but I got her her to agree to a suitable charge 70 cents for laundry and 50 cents for tent keeping per week.
Nov 15th--A party last night--It did not live up to our first few. We did not have any orchestra as the 147th has left. Left at about 10:30. It ended after midnight. There were many delinquent for the alert his morning.
Many of the nurses are lost now without the infirmary.
Took the men swimming this afternoon. (None went swimming--air was chilly.)
A New Zealand transfer was in the group. From Dunedin which is in the southern part of the Lonoke Island. He has been here 3 weeks-. It required 5 days to make the trip. He is 39--and managed to join up in spite of the age limit of 37. He was hoping to go Egypt or the Solomon--and to their disappointment learned on the second day that they were bound for Tongatabu. He has three brothers in Egypt. They are probably seeing a lot of action now.
The men brought a couple of watermelons on the way back from the blowholes, and sat eating them at the side of the road. The paid 50 c/ for each the size of a soccer ball.
Nov 16th--Eddie Richenbacher was picked up yesterday after 5 weeks on a rubber raft after his plane crashed.
Marvin is going out into the field today. A Capt Ward is coming in . This captain did not even finish his internship--but since he has been in field work--he has been advanced. It seems wants his cake and eat it to. I suspect that he will be put in with me although I prefer to live alone.
The news for the past 2-3 weeks has been very favorable with advances on most fronts and the Russians holding. The French fleet might as yet join up with the allies-and Spain has sent a friendly letter to the US after the president notified him that we would not violate the country.
Everywhere one goes in Tongatabu is to be heard the not unusual note of the Tua Tua as it resounds to the blows of the IKE. The small wooden mallet used by the makers of tapa cloth. The manufacture of this useful native cloth is one of the occupations of the native women, who sit for long hours every day, cross legged before the TuaTua, a smooth peeled trunk of a tree about a foot in diameter resting on small raised horizontal sticks to give it resilience. TAPA, or GATU is made from strips of the bark of the HIAPO, a paper mulberry, about three or four inches wide, which are scraped, soaked for several days, dried, soaked again and beaten out into widths of 12 to 18 inches of white material. The pieces are glued together by sticking the edges together with a glue like substance made from the root of the wild arrowroot. Some of the completed pieces measure a hundred yards or more in length. Part of the intricate patterns are imprinted at the time of piecing together, and the r! est are painted by hand with a stick dipped in a dye made from the bark of the KOKA tree. Used as mattresses, bed coverings, screens, articles of dress (I saw a native the other day with a cow-boy like suit made from it) and ceremonial costumes.
The Tongan women also excel in making mats from coconut leaves, and split PANDANUS. (Both types are beneath me in the floor.)--the latter are edged with bright colored yarns--with intricate patterns in the mat proper. These are handed down from generation to generation, and used in the floors and beds.
The men wear VALAS, a skirt like garment of calico, print, or cashmere, fashioned around the waist and extending and extending (sic) to the ankles. In the former days, a kilt of green leaves of the si (SI) plant covered to the knees the muscular legs of the men when they entered in the brush, or even on the warpath, but the vala of tapa formed the ceremonial dress. Over the vala, especially on ceremonial occasions, is wrapped a soft mat which is tied on by strands of pinned cloth.--Worn by men and women alike. Foolish laws imposed on the islanders by a missionary who became Prime Minister compelled the men to conceal their torso beneath shirts, jackets, or other garments--or else prosecuted rigorously by law.
Copra--(main product) sun dried kernel of coconut. A natives wealth is measured by his plantation, his home, and the number of fine mats and tapas he possesses. Liquor is allowed the whites, and in limited quantities to a few privileged chiefs and men of assured sobriety. The remainder of people cannot have it and do not feel the lack.
In 1912 the jails of Tonga were overflowing. No room could be made for more--they were at a loss how to handle the situation which arose as a result of a law forbidding illicit love--they solved it by not enforcing the law.
Free medicine, education, medical service.
YAMS. (KUMALAS) Sweet potato-
TARO OFA ATU--my love to you
The natives eat the flying foxes which of & taste badly.
Nov 17th--Just came back from making a tour of different outfits with Bob Acherly attending sick calls. We started at about 6:40 A.M. and sped, jounced and bounced over rocky roads. It was not so good on an empty stomach.
Heard last night for the first time that a road has been completed from Washington to Alaska--a distance of 1500 miles in 6 mos. It is remarkable feat and the Army deserves credit. I hope to take a trip over it someday. Alaska’s position is now much more secure.
I am reading “Tin Can Island” by Charles Stuart Ramset. It I about the Tongan group of islands and much about Tonga Tabu.
“The meat is supplied by chickens, pigs, goats, a few cattle, and wild fowl. The coconut tree provides copra, their drink, the delicious ream from the grounded nut for preparing food, oil for their hair and body (which when mixed with scent derived from flowers principally from gipangi, cause a disagreeable, easily detected odor for the American) and for illumination.
The leaves are used for thatch, mats, and baskets: leaf nets for brooms and fans, hot sheets for the cooking fire (gives a hot fire and little flame--good for blackouts as little shading is needed) and drinking bowls. The most useful tree in existence.
Some yams (KAFIU) attain a length of 8-9 feet in length with a a girth of as much as a 2 feet--growing that length under proper conditions in 9-10 mos. Breadfruit trees are also plentiful.
The Tongans possess poise and a fine sense of dignity. Their bearing and manner of life is regulated by a pride of rice, old customs and traditions, love of family and loyalty to their church and country.
Children call their parents by their first name.
They are naturally cruel to the animals--as they believe that the animals e.g., horses were put on the earth as a beast of burden--but without sensation--hence riding on sores, and other cruelties.
Men beat their wives on occasion but no one things any the worse of them when the reason demands. The women know what to expect if they misbehave. The slightest suggest, no matter of remote, of relationships between two individuals bars their uniting in marriage. This is extended even to non-blood relatives.
Every boy if he has sisters must on the age of puberty leave his fathers house and take residence with an outside relative. If he wishes to speak to his parent while his sister is at home he must do so from the doorway. He may enter when she leaves. They may speak together if they meet outside. Should the need arise that she go on a journey, the son may not accompany her, though her cousin may. These though still enforced--used to be more rigidly endorsed in the past.
The oldest son is the heir and he has considerable influence and control over his brothers: yet he is like them completely under the domination of his sister. They pay deference to her, and all of their worldly possessions are at her disposal and her children.
Marriage is presided by two ceremonies. The first of these is the formal asking for the brides hand in marriage. The suitor seeks out a suitable spokesman--prepares an umu (UMU), or basket, of baked figs and yams, takes a piece of KAVA, and accompanied by his mouthpiece goes off to the house of the maid o his choice
The second ceremony is the FAKA LE-LEA which is held on the eve of the wedding. It is kept up until daylight as a precaution against last minute abduction of the bride to be by another suitor. The wedding ceremony today is perfumed in Christian Church.
Kava is the visiting card of the islands. It is no more incorrect to make a call on a chief or attend a ceremony in a state of nudity than it is to go without a piece of Kava. It is a dried root of a shrub, and grows with cultivation all through the island. The root is beaten to shreds between two small igneous stones, mixed with water in the Kava bowl and strained though a bunch of shredded bark of the FA U tree. The resultant mixture is the color of yellow muddy water. The taste is indescribable. The process of making it is simple but the ceremony elaborate. The excess use of KAVA results in sore and discharging eyes and a scaly chalky appearance of the skin. It has no effects outside of a drowsy dull feeling which readily passes off. However it is habit forming.
To the Tongan, death is a punishment merited by his own misdemeanors or those of a relative. A fatal accident is taken rather fatalistically with the attitude “It was his day.” Under Tongan law a grave many not be reopened for another occupant until two years after the last burial. After the funeral they have a feast similar to after a marriage ceremony. Throughout the period of mourning, no singing of love songs or dancing is permitted in the village of the deceased. The taboo in the case of royalty is applied throughout land and lasts for six months.
Nov 18th--The news is fine from the Solomon’s. There has been a big naval battle going on and the Japs have lost 23 ships including a battle ship, cruisers, destroyers and 4 transports. The losses are said to be between 20 and 40,000 men. General MacArthur is now in New Guinea.
Some beer and wine arrived last night. I bought a bottle of wine (port) for $1.25. My maid Marie requested an increase for the laundry so I’m paying $1.00 a wk. and 50 c for tending the tent.
Was O.D. yesterday but slept undisturbed last night.
Nov 20th--Routine day--. Saw a bomber fly by over yesterday. Later learned that the General was aboard and proceeding to New Guinea for a conference. Colonel Fishbein is commanding officer in is absence.
The Tongans eat when hungry or convenient. Missionaries tried to enforce on them regular eating habits. It is against the law on the Sabbath to plant a flower, gather drinking nuts, to kill an animal or bird, to fish or hunt, to play tennis, cricket or other game, to sing any ordinary songs, or to do any kind of work whatsoever (I have to clean up my tent on Sunday) or else fined.
The Pacific Islands did not escape the Influenza Epidemic of 1918. A N.Z. steamer carried the disease to Nuku’alofa. Sailors from an American vessel buried them as the natives were too sick and demoralized to do it themselves. None of the sailors contracted the illness. Th Papalangi (white men) brought many diseases to the island--and epidemics sprung up due to poor natural resistance. Roving whalers were the first to bring to bring TB and venereal disease.
Due to public health measures the population is on the increases. (Rockefeller Institute and Gov’t Agency).
In cases of illness the Tongans are very sympathetic--groups of relatives gather in the house of the patient-sit around the patient--with their den lights (coconut oil) in their thatched dwellings. The Tongan patient seems to appreciate company and distraction as a result confinement. At a recent confinement that I attended- -the whole family their friends were up with the patient. And at another when the patient was feigning illness because she did not get what she wanted--there were at least 20 in a small hut, taking everything in. Incidentally, this makes examinations rather difficult to perform.
Throughout Polynesia circumcision is the invariable rule and the Polynesians look with derision and disgust upon anyone who has not had it done.
Liu Ciga is a form of shark fishing here. From a boat one calls to the shark called HINA complimenting her--and using all sorts of endearing terms. Meat as bait is also used. Coconut shells are rattled under water. Eventually the shark appears (if the fisherman had not had any scraps at home--or anything on their conscience)-- and then leaves to return with others.
They are enticed to approach the boat with the endearing terms & persuasion--and lift their heads out of the water to grasp the bait (meat) held up alongside the boat. A noose is then slipped over the head and tightened behind the pectoral fin and the fish is then clubbed to death. If it should fail to approach the boat--one of the natives dives overboard---approaches it and then swims back leisurely with the shark fooling luxury as though charmed by the procedure---to be trapped and killed.
Saluka (SALUKA) a twist of native drive leaves-- used as a cigar and frequently carried in various stages of combustion behind the ear (They have great faith in this procedure).
Nov 20th --Routine day-. Movie called off last night because of rain. Stansfeldt and I finished my bottle of port. Played Gin Rummy with Jim. This morning hunted for flees on my bed--saw several but was able to catch only one. Very elusive.
Nov 2nd. Mary just bought me 3 gardenias--which have a very fine scent. Yesterday she gave ma a watermelon. I just presented her with a cigarette lighter.
The sun is shining nicely but yesterday it was dismal--and rained all day into the night---it came down very heavily . We sat and drank Port in Steve’s, Van’s & Pearses ten and retired early. We had a good time, while the rain beat hard on the canvas above us.
The morale amongst our officers is poor. There has been a personality change in several--and its a different group from that which started out. Lack of work--and organization has caused a lot of dissension. In the army if you should think--you are lost. The best way to get along is to just follow along--or else you will be lost in bitterness and resentment. There is plenty of it here.
One of my ward boys (Isadore Samuel) is critically ill with pneumonia which he picked up from a New Zealand patient in the ward. One whole lung is involved. There has been plenty of virus pneumonia in the wards--particularly in the past two months. A patient admitted with an upper respiratory infection--developed a generalized pinpoint erythematous rash yesterday---so my ward is quarantined and I'll get a rest from admitting patients.
Nov 26th Went to a party at the ground force club yesterday and had a good
Nov 28
All construction work was stopped on the island yesterday by order of the General who returned the other day. Rumors spread fast that we were to leave and spirits were high. Our colonel was called to HQ--but he was very reticent on his return. All are anxious to move up to the front line or N.Z. or Australia. The C.A. was ordered to have guns ready for movement--and no lumber is to be drawn. Dr. Weiland of the Navy was very downcast as he has made many friends in the hospital--a large convoy is coming in--and we are all hoping that we will be made part of it before it leaves. However, although something is in the air, we do not yet know just what we are in for.
The South Dakota is in--and I hear that they have some good tales about the battle in the Solomon’s.
Nov 30th--The was another party at the Ground Force Club last night but I could not go as I was Med OD. Several of the men went and had a good time. It was given for the men of the Battleship South Dakota which first returned from the Solomon’s after having sunk seven ships. It was hit 40 times on the superstructure deck. Casualties--40 dead--157 wounded. There are several other warships in harbor--including the Indiana.
I believe that before long we will be moving up to the front--at last! Nothings definite has been said--but plans for embarkation are being carried out. I think that it probably will be New Guinea.
Alley and I were first aboard to apply for a transfer when the rumors started but now we will wait to see what happens.
The Blackout Restrictions have been completely lifted---and the alert is over. We are supposed “stand do” ion the mornings at 5:30 now.
Nov 31st The Indiana is in port--commissioned last March. ---Robert Montgomery---the actor is morale officer--I met him last night at our officers club and bought him a drink
Note: Tongan proper nouns may be mispelled-DL
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